My company is looking to set up a Sharepoint server for some of our internal users. We would like this to be accessible to external users using our current domain (www.companyname.com). The problem we are having is that www.companyname.com is set up using an IBM HTTP Server (basically Apache) and is based mostly around Java and Websphere. I was wondering if there was a plug-in available for Apache that would allow my to link up the Sharepoint server (running on IIS) with Apache, much like what is done with Websphere and Apache. Any help would be appreciated.


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您可能只使用 Apache 中的通用 HTTP 反向代理支持。如果您在 IHS 中将其用于前端共享点,则 IBM 将不支持它,并且在技术上违反了许可。

如果您收到 IBM 产品的 IHS,那么它仅在用于直接支持它随附的产品时才获得许可和支持。

于 2013-10-27T13:21:32.593 回答