我编写了一些代码来将注册自定义函数和__newindexand__index函数分离为 2 个单独的函数。我的代码的目标是让 Lua 脚本编写者可以看到函数和变量,这些函数和变量是根据特定的子级别组织的。例如,用户可以使用以下命令:

orc.chief.hp = 100;
elf.wood.hp = 200;

所以基本上是一个有 2 层的系统,然后是一个函数调用或一个变量。如果我正确理解 Lua,那是表中表中的元表。当用户设置变量时,它应该触发一次__newindex调用(不仅要处理设置值,还要访问将通过电机进行动画处理的物理对象)。我还假设表中的主表orc只看到分配给它的许多功能,无论它是attack还是__newindex。为了在代码开发过程中更容易添加新变量和函数,我创建了 2 个函数:一个用于创建函数,一个用于创建变量。该函数create只是注册函数和变量create只需创建一个新的表格元素并为 和 注册__newindex函数__index。下面是代码:

int orcChiefhp;

luaL_Reg Orc_Module[] = {
    {"attack", OrcAttack},
    {"flee", OrcFlee},
    {NULL, NULL}};

const luaL_Reg orcChief_metareg[] = {
    {"__index", orcChief__index},
    {"__newindex", orcChief__newindex},
    {NULL, NULL}};

int OrcAttack(lua_State *L)
  //code to cause the motors to swing the weapon...
  return 0;//0 parameters come back as the data

int orcChief__newindex(lua_State *L)
const char *idx;
        idx = lua_tostring(L,2);//gets the string so we can get the variable of the struct
        if(strcmp(idx, "hp")==0)
            lua_pushnumber(L, orcChiefhp);
    return 1;

void registerFunctions(lua_State *L, const char *libname, const char *sublibname, const luaL_Reg *funcs)
int isitnil;

    lua_getglobal(L, libname);
    isitnil = lua_isnil(L, -1);
        lua_pop(L, 1);
        lua_newtable(L);    // create 'libname' table
    // no sublib: just import our library functions directly into lib and we're done
    if (sublibname == NULL)
         luaL_setfuncs(L, funcs, 0);
    // sublib: create a table for it, import functions to it, add to parent lib
         luaL_setfuncs(L, funcs, 0);
         lua_setfield(L, -2, sublibname);
         lua_setglobal(L, libname);//this will pop off the global table.
         lua_pop(L, 1);//the global table is still on the stack, pop it off

void registerIntegerVariable(lua_State *L, const char *libname, const char *sublibname, const char *variableName,
    const char *metatableName, const luaL_Reg *metatableFuncs, int defaultValue)
int isLibnameNil;
int isSubnameNil;
    lua_getglobal(L, libname);//get the libname
    isLibnameNil = lua_isnil(L, -1);//check to see if it exists
    if(isLibnameNil)//if it doesn't exist, create a new one
        lua_pop(L, 1);//pop off the nil
        lua_newtable(L);    // create 'libname' table

    // no sublib: just import our library functions directly into lib and we're done
    if (sublibname == NULL)//if we want the functions at the lib level then just set the functions
        lua_pushstring(L, variableName);//push the variable name
        lua_pushnumber(L, defaultValue);//push the default value on the stack
        lua_rawset(L, -3);//add the variable to the table (rawset is like settable but doesn't call __index)
        luaL_newmetatable(L, metatableName);//create the metatable
        luaL_setfuncs(L, metatableFuncs, 0);//set the metatable functions for __newindex and __index
        lua_setmetatable(L, -2);//set the metatable to the libtable
    // otherwise we need to create a table for the sublibname, import functions to it, add to parent lib.
        lua_getfield(L, -1, sublibname);//see if the sublibname is under the global libname
        isSubnameNil = lua_isnil(L, -1);//is it a nil
        if(isSubnameNil)//if it is, then we need to create the sublibname
            lua_pop(L, 1);//pop off the nil
            lua_newtable(L);//creates the new sublibname table 
        lua_pushstring(L, variableName);//push the variable name
        lua_pushnumber(L, defaultValue);//push the default value on the stack
        lua_rawset(L, -3);//add the variable to the table and push it (rawset is like settable but doesn't call __index)
        luaL_newmetatable(L, metatableName);//create the metatable
        luaL_setfuncs(L, metatableFuncs, 0);//add the metamethods
        lua_setmetatable(L, -2);//set the metatable to the sublibname
          lua_setfield(L, -2, sublibname);//now we need to add the sublibname to the libname

        lua_setglobal(L, libname);//set the global name if it was new
        lua_pop(L, 1);


execContext = luaL_newstate();
//adding lua basic library

//now register all the functions with Lua
registerFunctions(execContext, "orc", "chief", Orc_Module);
registerFunctions(execContext, "orc", "pawn", Orc_Module);
registerFunctions(execContext, "elf", "wood", Elf_Module);
//now register all the variables with Lua
registerIntegerVariable(execContext, "orc", "chief", "hp", "chief_meta", orcChief_metareg, 0);

当我在 Lua 脚本中运行代码和泵时,orc.chief.attack()调用我的OrcAttack()函数但从orc.chief.hp = 100不调用我的orcChief__newindex()函数。我什至已经注释掉了这些registerFunctions电话,以防它们以某种方式干扰,而仅仅是registerIntegerVariable它本身仍然不会触发orcChief__newindex(). 任何想法?


1 回答 1



如果您想__newindex为表上的每个集合操作调用,则不能允许集合操作实际修改该表。这通常是通过创建一个用户使用的空表(称为代理表)来完成的。代理表实际上是空的,并且必须始终保持这样;您拦截所有的 get 和 set 调用,将它们传送到用户从未看到无权访问的内部表。


于 2012-11-28T20:12:38.863 回答