好的,我正在使用 Rob Van der Woude 昨天.bat 代码以及我在此处其他帖子的帮助下整理的一些代码。
Display the results
ECHO Format: YYYYMMDD (%LocalFormat%)
CALL ECHO Yesterday: %SortYest% %yLocal%
ECHO Today: %SortDate% %Today%
:: Check if file gams1bu from yesterday exists
SET filename="B:\data\backup\gams1bu"
IF NOT EXIST %filename% GOTO log
FOR %%f IN (%filename%) DO SET filedatetime=%%~tf
::This displays the results of the two variables
CALL ECHO %yLocal%
CALL ECHO %filedatetime:~0,-10%
IF %filedatetime:~0,-10% == %yLocal% goto same
goto notsame
echo Dates the same, do some code here
goto next
echo Dates NOT the same, do some code here
即使我运行它时日期看起来相同,批处理文件也会转到 :notsame ????