字节优化给你带来了多大的性能提升(使它们成为 8、32、64 的倍数……)?
public struct RenderItem
[FieldOffset(0)] byte[] mCoordinates = new byte[3]; //(x,y,z)
[FieldOffset(3)] short mUnitType;
public struct RenderItem
[FieldOffset(0)] byte[] mCoordinates = new byte[3]; //(x,y,z)
[FieldOffset(4)] short mUnitType;
[FieldOffset(6)] byte[] mPadding = new byte[2]; //make total to 8 bytes
我确信它是“随大小缩放”的东西之一,所以我特别好奇会看到这个结构被使用大约 150,000 次来创建 VertexBuffer 对象的操作:
//int objType[,,] 3 dimensional int with object type information stored in it
int i = 0;
RenderItem vboItems[16 * 16 * 16 * 36] //x - 16, y - 16, z - 16, 36 verticies per object
For(int x = 0; x < 16; x++)
For(int y = 0; y < 16; y++)
For(int z = 0; z < 16; z++)
vboItems[i++] = (x,y,z,objType[x,y,z]);
//Put vboItems into a VBO