void generateNodes(const int maxX, const int maxY, node nodes[]);
作为该函数中的第一件事,我定义了一个 2d 短裤数组,我将其用作布尔值。但是当我调用这个函数时,maxY 的值会变成一个很大的值。有问题的代码如下:
void generateNodes(const int maxX, const int maxY, node nodes[]){
int i, currentX, currentY;
short used[MAX_NODES][MAX_NODES];
//Generate the nodes
for(i = 0; i < MAX_NODES; i++){
currentX = randomNumber(0,maxX);
currentY = randomNumber(0,maxY);
nodes[i].color = 0;
nodes[i].numberOfConnections = 0;
nodes[i].id = i;
nodes[i].distanceFromStart = NOT_SET;
nodes[i].parent = NULL;
nodes[i].x = currentX;
nodes[i].y = currentY;
used[currentX][currentY] = 1;
} else {
int numberOfConnections, j, currentNeighbor;
//Generate the connections
for(i = 0; i < MAX_NODES; i++){
numberOfConnections = randomNumber(1,5); //Between one and five outgoing connections
for(j = 0; j < numberOfConnections; j++){
currentNeighbor = randomNumber(0,19); //Select the neighbor
while(currentNeighbor == i){
currentNeighbor = randomNumber(0,19); //Try again while the selected is self
nodes[i].canReach[++(nodes[i].numberOfConnections)] = &nodes[currentNeighbor];
nodes[currentNeighbor].canReach[++(nodes[currentNeighbor].numberOfConnections)] = &nodes[i];
MAX_NODES 定义为 20。