
当最终类型是 JS 原语时,问题就来了。


CHAIN.components[0].value = 20; 

components是使用 setter 和 getter 对图节点进行过滤的函数。如果组件中只有一个节点被过滤,则用户设置的默认值将可用,而无需执行此操作:CHAIN.components.value = 20; 而是这样:CHAIN.components = 20;


我如何在 Number 对象上使用 setter 和 getter 而无需在 Number.prototype 中进行黑客攻击,因为CHAIN.components现在是一个 Number(如果它不是一个原始的,我已经让它以一种不显眼的方式工作),但是当我想在CHAIN.components.func()那里调用是一个问题,因为func每次我进行设置或上车时我都必须附加到 Number.prototypecomponents然后删除它。



/*jslint nomen: true, sloppy: true*/
GRID.modules.OHM || Object.extend(GRID.modules, ( function() {
    var Node, Nodes, Ohm, num_proto = Number.prototype.__clone(), str_proto = String.prototype.__clone();
    Node = function(uid) {
        var UID = uid;
        this.getUID = function() {
            return UID;
    Nodes = function() {
        var stack = [];
        this.add = function(id, val) {
            var n = new Node(stack.length);
            val.id = id;
            Object.extend(n, val);
            return n.getUID();
        this.getById = function(id) {
            return stack.filter(function(v) {
                var a = id || v.id;
                return (v.id === a);
        this.getByUID = function(UID) {
            return stack[UID];
        this.get = function(callback) {
            !Object.isString(callback) || ( callback = [callback]);
            var f = Object.isFunction(callback) ? callback : (Object.isArray(callback) ? function(k) {
                return (callback.indexOf(k.id) >= 0);
            } : function(k) {
                return true;
            return stack.filter(f);
    Ohm = function(n) {
        var graph = n || (new Nodes()), filters = {}, __nodes = {}, addGS = function(obj, name, conf, binder) {
            var alfa = {};
            Object.extend(alfa, conf);
            if (!alfa.get) {
                alfa.get = function() {
                    var a = this.g.getById(this.p);
                    return a.length === 1 ? a[0] : a;
            } else {
                alfa.get = alfa.get.bind(binder);
            if (!alfa.set) {
                alfa.set = function(value) {
                    this.g.getById(this.p).forEach(function(k) {
                        Object.extend(k, value);
                        return true;
            } else {
                alfa.set = alfa.set.bind(binder);
            Object.defineProperty(obj, name, alfa);
        }, add = function(id, node) {
            if (__nodes.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
                addGS(__nodes, id, {
                    enumerable : true
                }, {
                    t : this,
                    p : id,
                    g : graph
            return graph.add(id, node || {});
        Object.extend(this, {
            add : function() {
                add.apply(this, arguments);
            map : function(name, f, that) {
                var n = name, filterer = ['add', 'map', '__all'];
                n = Object.isFunction(n) ? name.apply(that, arguments.slice(3)) : n;
                if (filterer.indexOf(n.toLowerCase()) >= 0) {
                    console.log("You can't map over a basic property of object !!! Please read the freakin' manual.");
                    return null;
                if (!filters.hasOwnProperty(n)) {
                    filters[n] = new Ohm(graph);
                    addGS(this, n, {
                        get : function() {
                            this.g.get(this.f).forEach(function(v, key, arr) {
                                var temp, binder;
                                if (arr.length !== 1) {
                                    if (!this.filt.hasOwnProperty(v.id)) {
                                        addGS(this.filt, v.id, {
                                            set : function(value) {
                                                this.t.g.getById(this.p).filter(this.t.f).forEach(function(k) {
                                                    Object.extend(k, value);
                                            get : function() {
                                                var a = this.t.g.getById(this.p).filter(this.t.f);
                                                return a.length === 1 ? a[0] : a;
                                        }, {
                                            t : this,
                                            p : v.id
                                        (key !== arr.length - 1) || Object.extend(this.filt, this.g.get(this.f));
                                } else {
                                    if (Object.isFunction(v.__new__)) {
                                        v.__default = function() {
                                            return Object.extend((new this.__new__(arguments)), this);
                                    if (!Object.isUndefined(v.__default)) {
                                        temp = this.filt;
                                        this.filt = Object.isFunction(v.__default) ? v.__default.bind(v) : v.__default;
                                        if (Object.isNumber(this.filt) || Object.isString(this.filt)) {
                                            var prot = Object.isNumber(this.filt) ? Number : String;
                                            for (var i in temp) {
                                                if (temp.hasOwnProperty(i) && !prot.prototype.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
                                                    var bin = {
                                                        t : temp,
                                                        m : i,
                                                        p : prot,

                                                    Object.defineProperty(prot.prototype, i, {
                                                        set : function(value) {
                                                            Object.defineProperty(this.p.prototype, this.m, {
                                                                configurable : true, // defaults to false
                                                                writable : false,
                                                                value : 1
                                                            delete this.p.prototype[this.m];
                                                            this.t[this.m] = value;
                                                        get : function() {
                                                            Object.defineProperty(this.p.prototype, this.m, {
                                                                configurable : true, // defaults to false
                                                                writable : false,
                                                                value : 1
                                                            delete this.p.prototype[this.m];
                                                            return this.t[this.m];
                                                        enumerable : true,
                                                        configurable : true
                                        } else {
                                            Object.extend(this.filt, temp);
                                    if (Object.isNumber(this.filt) || Object.isString(this.filt)) {
                                        var prot = Object.isNumber(this.filt) ? Number : String;
                                        for (var i in v) {
                                            if (v.hasOwnProperty(i) && !prot.prototype.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
                                                var bin = {
                                                    t : v,
                                                    m : i,
                                                    p : prot,

                                                Object.defineProperty(prot.prototype, i, {
                                                    set : function(value) {
                                                        Object.defineProperty(this.p.prototype, this.m, {
                                                            configurable : true, // defaults to false
                                                            writable : false,
                                                            value : 1
                                                        delete this.p.prototype[this.m];
                                                        this.t[this.m] = value;
                                                    get : function() {
                                                        Object.defineProperty(this.p.prototype, this.m, {
                                                            configurable : true, // defaults to false
                                                            writable : false,
                                                            value : 1
                                                        delete this.p.prototype[this.m];
                                                        return this.t[this.m];
                                                    enumerable : true,
                                                    configurable : true
                                    } else {
                                        Object.extend(this.filt, v);
                            }, this);
                            return this.filt;
                        set : function(value) {
                            this.g.get(this.f).forEach(function(k) {
                                Object.extend(k, value);
                    }, {
                        t : this,
                        f : f,
                        g : graph,
                        filt : filters[n]
        }, true, true);
        addGS(this, '__all', {
            get : function() {
                var a = this.g.getById();
                Object.extend(__nodes, a.length === 1 ? a[0] : a);
                return __nodes;
            enumerable : true
        }, {
            t : this,
            p : null,
            g : graph
    window['Ω'] = Ohm;
    return {
        OHM : Ohm,


var c = new Ω();
c.add('ann', {
__default : 58,
blah : 98,
ceva : function()
    __default: function(){
    abc: 78,
    dce: function(){
       console.log(' world');
c.add('b2', {
__new__ : function() {
    this.init = function() {
        this.id = 86;
    this.mer = function() {
els : 'asadar'
c.map('b2', function(k) {
return k.id === 'b2';
c.map('ann', function(k) {
return k.id === 'ann';
c.map('ann2', function(k) {
return k.id === 'ann2';
console.log(c.ann); // returns 58 ( the __default value )
console.log(c.ann.blah); // returns 98
console.log(c.ann.blah.blah); // undefined
console.log(c.ann2);  // function()
c.ann2(); // prints out 'hello'
c.ann2.cde(); // prints out 'world'
c.ann2 = 60;
console.log(c.ann2); // 60
console.log(c.ann2.cde()); // prints out 'world'

此代码有效,但我必须使用 Number 或 String 原型的部分困扰着我。你有另一种方法吗?

原因是做一些有人说可以用 PHP 但不能用 JS 做的事情,这个家伙最近一直在和我一起在 WebGL 着色器上工作,并且讨厌他必须编写 700 行代码才能使用与 FBO 结合的多重效果而不是100 这将带他使用一个类似的工具,比如这个用 PHP 编写的工具。所以是的,我知道原始原型上的访问器是一种 hack,但是如果链端对象是原始对象,我如何使其不同而不必使用 valueOf?


2 回答 2



你是对的,你扩展原生原型的部分是可怕的。据我了解,您在返回数字/字符串之前在 Number 或 String 原型上定义了一个访问器属性。在获取和设置时,访问器属性都会被数据属性 (???) 覆盖,然后在存储/返回值之前删除整个属性。这似乎是一个允许原始值自定义属性的巧妙技巧,但是:

  • 发生碰撞的风险很高。可以通过使用该this值作为查找表中的键(以区别于(5).x)来降低(3).x它,但仍然无法完全避免。
  • 在访问/设置时自行删除的属性非常不直观。避免这种情况。
  • 任意更改原语原型上的访问器属性是昂贵的。这是 4 个性能对比的总和。没有引擎能够优化这一点。而且您似乎经常使用它们。


// Let's call this
// as they proxy real objects behind primitive values
var proxy = _.map( { // some map that works on Objects
    string: String.prototype,
    number: Number.prototype
}, function closure(type, proto) {
    var table = {};
    function setupProperty(prop) {
        if (prop in proto) return; // ah, we already proxied this kind of object
        Object.defineProperty(proto, prop, {
            configurable:true, // for deleting
            get: function getter() {
                // "this" is the primitive value
                if (!this in table)
                    return undefined;
                return table[this][prop]; // get prop from obj
            set: function setter(val) {
                if (this in table)
                    table[this][prop] = val; // pass val to obj
    return {
        create: function createProxy(prim, obj) {
            if (prim in table) // we already did create a proxy on this primitive
                return; // let's abort. You might continue to overwrite
            table[prim] = obj;
            return prim; // the new "proxy"
        move: function moveName(from, to) {
            if (to in table) return false;
            table[to] = table[from];
            delete table[from];
            return true;
proxy.create = function(prim, obj) {
    return proxy[typeof prim].create(prim, obj);
proxy.move = function(from, to) {
    return proxy[typeof from].create(from, to);
// proxy.create works just like Object.extend
> var c = {ann: 58},
>     o = {blah: 98};
> proxy.create(c.ann, o);
> 58..blah
> c.ann.blah
> (58).blah = 60;
> o
{blah: 60}
> var num = c.ann; // 58
> c.ann.blah = function(){return "Hello"};
> num.blah()
> proxy.move(c.ann, c.ann = 78);
> c.ann
> (58).blah
> c.ann.blah()
> // getters/setters for properties are global:
> c.ann.blub = "something"; // does not work, there is no getter
> c.ann.blub
> proxy.create(58, {blub: "foo"})
> c.ann.blub // still returns
> c.ann.blub = "bar"; // but can be set now
> (58).blub + (78).blub
> // infinite lookup loops are possible:
> proxy.create("loop", {x:"loop"});
> "loop" === "loop".x
> "loop".x.x.x.….x



您将永远无法区分c.annfrom58"loop"from "loop".x,因此两者都将具有或不具有属性。这不是构建 API 的好前提。


c.ann = new Number(58);
c.ann.blah = 98;
return c;


但是如果链端对象是原始对象,我怎样才能使它与众不同而不必使用 valueOf 呢?

回答这个简单的问题:那家伙是对的,如果不破解原生原型,它就无法在 JavaScript 中完成。你是对的,黑客非常丑陋:-)

于 2012-11-28T23:30:53.177 回答


function MyNumber(n) {
    this.value = Number(n);
MyNumber.prototype = Object.create(Number.prototype, {constructor:{value:MyNumber}});
MyNumber.prototype.valueOf = function() {
    return this.value;
// OK, we have to overwrite those methods as they don't work on subclasses of Number
["toExponential", "toFixed", "toLocaleString", "toPrecision", "toString"].forEach(function(name) {
    MyNumber.prototype[name] = function() {
        return Number.prototype[name].apply(new Number(this.value), arguments);

// now extend the prototype with other properties, e.g. chaining methods

当然,您可能需要创建components一个将给定数字(或 Number)转换为 MyNumber 的 setter:

var actualNumber = new MyNumber;
Object.defineProperty(MyFabulousChainingThing, "components", {
    get: function() { return actualNumber; },
    set: function(x) { actualNumber.value = Number(x); }
于 2012-11-28T13:48:08.003 回答