I'm studying parallax and horizontal scrolling website and I get in touch with this fantastic website: http://www.black5.de/

Exploring with firebug I found that their developers:

  • use absolute positioned elements
  • use a non-scrolling container
  • recreate a custom navigation controller using arrow keys, mouse wheel and in-page anchor

I tried to re-implement this logic here: http://www.albertobottarini.com/parallax/index-manual.html

As you can see anchor links works but navigation with arrows and mouse wheel don't works (and it's correct because I don't create custom controllers for them). Implementing custom navigation seems very hard job (for example I have to take care about user keep pressing arrow key because they want to speed up navigation). I tried some other jquery plugin (like jparallax) but the resulted webpage is the same as mine where everything seems choppy and jerky.

How can I recreate the fluidity and pleasantness of www.black5.de? Do you think it will be a huge project? Do you know some useful library/plugin?



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