我正在尝试使用 Facebook 的 API 代码让用户参加活动,但它不起作用。我可以在浏览器窗口上运行发表评论,但作为 php 脚本它不起作用
$fields = array('access_token'=>$access_token);
$result = HTTP_POST("https://graph.facebook.com/4XXXXX663/invited?access_token=$access_token",// URL to query
$fields, // POST fields; associative array
USER_AGENT, // user-agent value
"", // cookie storage and retrieval
"", // proxy; type:ip:port[:user:pass]; supported types: http, socks5
true, // return the data or not
false, // include headers in the return data
"", // set value for REFERER header
true, // automatically follow "redirects" ("Location" header)
false); // enable or disable multipart post (if uploading, set to true)