
appcfg.py download_data --url=http://cayotkanawa.appspot.com/_ah/
remote_api --filename=datasave.csv


C:\Users\Honjo>appcfg.py download_data --url=http://cayotkanawa.appspot.com/_ah/
remote_api --filename=datasave.csv
Usage: appcfg.py [options] <action>

Action must be one of:
  backends: Perform a backend action.
  backends configure: Reconfigure a backend without stopping it.
  backends delete: Delete a backend.
  backends list: List all backends configured for the app.
  backends rollback: Roll back an update of a backend.
  backends start: Start a backend.
  backends stop: Stop a backend.
  backends update: Update one or more backends.
  create_bulkloader_config: Create a bulkloader.yaml from a running application.

  cron_info: Display information about cron jobs.
  download_app: Download a previously-uploaded app.
  download_data: Download entities from datastore.
  help: Print help for a specific action.
  request_logs: Write request logs in Apache common log format.
  resource_limits_info: Get the resource limits.
  rollback: Rollback an in-progress update.
  set_default_version: Set the default (serving) version.
  update: Create or update an app version.
  update_cron: Update application cron definitions.
  update_dos: Update application dos definitions.
  update_indexes: Update application indexes.
  update_queues: Update application task queue definitions.
  upload_data: Upload data records to datastore.
  vacuum_indexes: Delete unused indexes from application.
Use 'help <action>' for a detailed description.

  -h, --help            Show the help message and exit.
  -q, --quiet           Print errors only.
  -v, --verbose         Print info level logs.
  --noisy               Print all logs.
  -s SERVER, --server=SERVER
                        The App Engine server.
  --insecure            Use HTTP when communicating with the server.
  -e EMAIL, --email=EMAIL
                        The username to use. Will prompt if omitted.
  -H HOST, --host=HOST  Overrides the Host header sent with all RPCs.
  --no_cookies          Do not save authentication cookies to local disk.
                        Do not check for SDK updates.
  --passin              Read the login password from stdin.
  -A APP_ID, --application=APP_ID
                        Set the application, overriding the application value
                        from app.yaml file.
  -V VERSION, --version=VERSION
                        Set the (major) version, overriding the version value
                        from app.yaml file.
  -r RUNTIME, --runtime=RUNTIME
                        Override runtime from app.yaml file.
  -R, --allow_any_runtime
                        Do not validate the runtime in app.yaml
  --oauth2              Use OAuth2 instead of password auth.
                        An existing OAuth2 refresh token to use. Will not
                        attempt interactive OAuth approval.
                        Do not run a local web server to handle redirects
                        during OAuth authorization.
  -f, --force           Force deletion without being prompted.
  --has_header          Whether the first line of the input file should be
                        A string to pass to the Loader.initialize method.
  --url=URL             The location of the remote_api endpoint.
                        Number of records to post in each request.
                        The maximum bytes/second bandwidth for transfers.
                        The maximum records/second for transfers.
                        The maximum requests/second for transfers.
                        Name of the progress database file.
                        The name of the authorization domain to use.
  --log_file=LOG_FILE   File to write bulkloader logs.  If not supplied then a
                        new log file will be created, named: bulkloader-log-
  --dry_run             Do not execute any remote_api calls
                        Namespace to use when accessing datastore.
                        Number of threads to transfer records with.
  --filename=FILENAME   The name of the file where output data is to be
                        written. (Required)
  --kind=KIND           The kind of the entities to retrieve.
                        A string to pass to the Exporter.initialize method.
                        Database to write entities to for download.
                        Name of the configuration file.
  --num_runs=NUM_RUNS   Number of runs of each cron job to displayDefault is 5
  --no_precompilation   Disable automatic Python precompilation.
  --backends            Update backends when performing appcfg update.
  -n NUM_DAYS, --num_days=NUM_DAYS
                        Number of days worth of log data to get. The cut-off
                        point is midnight US/Pacific. Use 0 to get all
                        available logs. Default is 1, unless --append is also
                        given; then the default is 0.
  -a, --append          Append to existing file.
  --severity=SEVERITY   Severity of app-level log messages to get. The range
                        is 0 (DEBUG) through 4 (CRITICAL). If omitted, only
                        request logs are returned.
  --vhost=VHOST         The virtual host of log messages to get. If omitted,
                        all log messages are returned.
  --include_vhost       Include virtual host in log messages.
  --include_all         Include everything in log messages.
  --end_date=END_DATE   End date (as YYYY-MM-DD) of period for log data.
                        Defaults to today.


4 回答 4


我不知道这是否是原因,但从您的输出来看:Usage: appcfg.py [options] <action>
如果它不起作用 - 尝试appcpg.py help download_data更好地描述如何使用该download_data操作。

于 2012-11-28T05:45:19.973 回答

您的命令行看起来正确。只是 StackOverflow 在两行上显示您的命令,还是您实际上在两行上输入了它?应该是一行。

于 2012-11-28T15:48:25.577 回答


python "C:\Program Files\Google\google_appengine\appcfg.py" download_data --url=http://cayotkanawa.appspot.com/_ah/
remote_api --filename=datasave.csv
于 2012-11-29T06:59:31.417 回答

我遇到了类似的问题,在创建 bulkloader 配置文件时设置应用程序 ID(s~ 是 HR 数据存储应用程序的前缀)有助于:

appcfg.py create_bulkloader_config -A s~foo-app --url=https://foo-app.appspot.com/_ah/remote_api --filename=bulkloader.yaml

appcfg.py download_data --config_file=bulkloader.yaml --url=http://foo-app.appspot.com/_ah/remote_api --filename=accounts.csv --kind=Account --namespace='lol'
于 2014-11-12T12:58:23.447 回答