我有一个带有可滚动内容的模式,可以使用 overflow-y: scroll;
我有一个带有可滚动内容的模式,可以使用 overflow-y: scroll;
To achieve this I used the "show" and "hide" events of the modal. I'm using Twitter Bootstrap modal so they have these events, but I guess any good modal plugin will have them. For the "show" event, I binded a function that removes scrolling on the body. For the "hide" event, I binded a function that reenables it. Here's how I did it:
modal = $('#myModal');
modal.on('show', function () {
// disable background scrolling
$('body').css('overflow', 'hidden');
modal.on('hide', function () {
// enable background scrolling
$('body').css('overflow', 'auto');
You can of course disable/enable scrolling on the container of your choice. Hope this helps.