- 将日历保存到文本文件
- 将日历保存到二进制文件
- 从文本中读取日历
- 将日历保存到二进制文件
- 作为显式菜单选项,将所有更改记录到名为“eventlog_time.txt”的文件中,其中时间从“time.h”库中获取。
- 作为自动记录操作。该程序保留一个名为“eventlog_private.txt”的文件,每次用户添加或删除事件时它都会自动更新该文件。您需要将此文件初始化为空,然后打开它,附加到它,并在记录每个事件后关闭它。
Input file: None
Output file: None
Description: This calendar program is mainly a menu interactive program that prompts
the user for a date and its events, then the entry is stored in its appropriate
place inside an array of structures.
This program handles 5 main operations:
. Add an event to the calendar.
. Display events for a specific calendar date.
. Display the whole calendar.
. Delete the event from the calendar.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#define MAXEVS 100 // Defining the maximum number of events as being 100
typedef enum {FALSE = 0, TRUE = 1} BOOLEAN;
typedef struct {
int hours,
} time_t;
typedef struct {
char month [20];
int day,
} date_t;
typedef struct {
char ev_name [40];
date_t dt;
time_t tm;
} event_t;
typedef struct {
BOOLEAN valid;
event_t event_list [MAXEVS];
int num_events;
} calentry_t;
int counter = 0; //Global counter variable used to keep track of number of events
void menu (); // This function displays the menu to the user
void InitializeCalender(calentry_t calendar[][31] ); // Initializes the calendar for valid and invalid dates
int ReadEvent ( calentry_t calendar[][31],char eventname[], char month[], int *day, int *year, int *h, int *min); // This function min role is to get the input from the user (the whole calendar entry)
int MonthStr2Num ( char* month); // This function converts a string containing a month to its appropriate number
void AddEvent (calentry_t calendar[][31], char eventname[], int* monthnum, int *day, int *year, int *h, int *min); // This function places the calendar entry places the event inside its appropriate place inside the 2D array
char* MonthNum2Str (int* m); // Converts a number to its appropriate month
void DisplayCalendar (calentry_t calendar[][31], int* monthnum, int* day, int* year); // Displays the calendar entry for a specific date
void DisplayWholeCalendar ( calentry_t calendar[][31]); // This function displays the whole entries stored inside the calendar
int DeleteEvent (calentry_t calendar [][31]); // This function deletes an event from the calendar
main (){
int choice;
calentry_t calendar[12][31]; // Declaring a 2D array of structure calentry_t
char eventname [100];
char month[20];
int day, year, h, min, monthnum;
char temp;
do{ // loop that continues to execute the program until the user decides to quit
menu ();
scanf ("%d",&choice);
switch (choice)
case 1:
printf("Calendar will now quit.\n");
case 2:
monthnum = ReadEvent(calendar ,eventname, month, &day, &year, &h, &min);
AddEvent (calendar, eventname, &monthnum, &day, &year, &h, &min);
case 3:
printf ("What is the date that you want to display its events? input like ( 12 January 2012 ) ");
scanf ("%d %s %d", &day, month, &year);
monthnum = MonthStr2Num (month);
DisplayCalendar (calendar ,&monthnum, &day, &year);
case 4:
printf ("The whole calendar will be displayed immediately\n");
DisplayWholeCalendar (calendar);
case 5:
DeleteEvent (calendar);
while (choice !=1);
} //End of the main function
void menu ()
printf("\tHere is the menu:\n");
printf("\t1. Quit the Program.\n");
printf("\t2. Add an event to the calendar.\n");
printf("\t3. Display events for a specific calendar date.\n");
printf("\t4. Display the whole calendar.\n");
printf("\t5. Delete the event from the calendar.\n");
printf("\tYour choice Please: ");
void InitializeCalender(calentry_t calendar[][31]){
int x, y;
for(x = 0; x < 12; x ++) {
if (x==1){
for(y = 0; y < 28; y ++){
(calendar[x][y]).valid = TRUE;
(calendar[x][y]).num_events = FALSE;
for (y=28; y< 31; y++){
(calendar[x][y]).valid = FALSE;
else if (x==3 || x==5 || x==8 || x==10){
for(y = 0; y < 30; y ++){
(calendar[x][y]).valid = TRUE;
(calendar[x][y]).num_events = FALSE;
for (y=30; y< 31; y++){
(calendar[x][y]).valid = FALSE;
else if (x==0 || x==2||x==4||x==6||x==7||x==9||x==11){
for(y = 0; y < 31; y ++){
(calendar[x][y]).valid = TRUE;
(calendar[x][y]).num_events = FALSE;
int ReadEvent (calentry_t calendar[][31] ,char eventname[], char month[], int *day, int *year, int *h, int *min){
char temp, answer;
int monthnum;
printf ("\n\tOkay, for event number %d:\n",counter+1 );
printf ("\n\tWhat is the name of the event? ");
scanf ("%c",&temp);
gets (eventname);
printf("\n\twhat is the date of the event? input like ( 12 January 2012 ) ");
scanf ("%d %s %d", day, month, year);
monthnum = MonthStr2Num (month);
if ( calendar [(monthnum-1)][(*day-1)]. valid ==FALSE || *day>=32 ){
while ( calendar [(monthnum-1)][(*day-1)]. valid ==FALSE || *day>=32 ) { //Loop that checks invalid dates
printf ("\tSorry that'san invalid date!!!!!\n");
printf("\n\twhat is the date of the event? input like ( 12 January 2012 ) ");
scanf ("%d %s %d", day, month, year);
monthnum = MonthStr2Num (month);
printf ("\n\tWhat is the time of the event? input like (12:30) ");
scanf ("%d:%d", h,min);
if ( *h>=24 || *h<0 || *min>=60 || *min<0){ //Loop that checks invalid times
while ( *h>=24 || *h<0 || *min>=60 || *min<0){
printf ("\tInvalid Time !!!!! \n");
printf ("\n\tWhat is the time of the event? input like (12:30) ");
scanf ("%d:%d", h,min);
monthnum = MonthStr2Num (month);
return monthnum;
int MonthStr2Num ( char* month){
int i,
// Converting all the month characters to uppercase in order to handle all the cases of how the user
// enters the month
if (strcmp((month), "JANUARY")==0){
m = 1;}
else if (strcmp((month), "FEBRUARY")==0)
m = 2;
else if (strcmp((month), "MARCH")==0)
m = 3;
else if (strcmp((month), "APRIL")==0)
m = 4;
else if (strcmp((month), "MAY")==0)
m = 5;
else if (strcmp((month), "JUNE")==0)
m = 6;
else if (strcmp((month), "JULY")==0)
m = 7;
else if (strcmp((month), "AUGUST")==0)
m = 8;
else if (strcmp((month), "SEPTEMBER")==0)
m = 9;
else if (strcmp((month), "OCTOBER")==0)
m = 10;
else if (strcmp((month), "NOVEMBER")==0)
m = 11;
else if (strcmp((month), "DECEMBER")==0)
m = 12;
return m;
void AddEvent (calentry_t calendar[][31], char eventname[], int* monthnum, int *day, int *year, int *h, int *min){
char monthstr [20];
strcpy ( calendar [(*monthnum-1)][(*day-1)]. event_list[calendar[(*monthnum-1)][(*day-1)].num_events].ev_name,eventname );
strcpy ( calendar [(*monthnum-1)][(*day-1)]. event_list[calendar[(*monthnum-1)][(*day-1)].num_events].dt.month,monthstr );
calendar [(*monthnum-1)][(*day-1)].num_events++;
calendar [(*monthnum-1)][(*day-1)]. event_list[calendar[(*monthnum-1)][(*day-1)].num_events].dt.day = (*day);
calendar [(*monthnum-1)][(*day-1)]. event_list[calendar[(*monthnum-1)][(*day-1)].num_events].dt.year = (*year);
calendar [(*monthnum-1)][(*day-1)]. event_list[calendar[(*monthnum-1)][(*day-1)].num_events].tm.hours = (*h);
calendar [(*monthnum-1)][(*day-1)]. event_list[calendar[(*monthnum-1)][(*day-1)].num_events].tm.minutes = (*min);
char* MonthNum2Str (int* m){
if (*m==1)
return "January";
else if (*m==2)
return "February";
else if (*m==3)
return "March";
else if (*m==4)
return "April";
else if (*m==5)
return "May";
else if (*m==6)
return "June";
else if (*m==7)
return "July";
else if (*m==8)
return "August";
else if (*m==9)
return "September";
else if (*m==10)
return "October";
else if (*m==11)
return "November";
else if (*m==12)
return "December";
void DisplayCalendar (calentry_t calendar[][31], int* monthnum, int* day, int* year){
int i;
if ( calendar [(*monthnum-1)][(*day-1)].num_events==0)
printf ("\n\tNo events on this date!!!!!!\n");
printf ("\n\tOn %d-%s-%d You have %d event(s): \n", *day, calendar [(*monthnum-1)][(*day-1)]. event_list[(calendar[(*monthnum-1)][(*day-1)].num_events)-1].dt.month, *year, calendar[(*monthnum-1)][(*day-1)].num_events);
for (i=0; i<calendar[(*monthnum-1)][(*day-1)].num_events; i++){
printf ("\t\n Event %d: ", i+1);
printf ("\t\n Name of the event: %s", calendar [(*monthnum-1)][(*day-1)]. event_list[i].ev_name );
printf ("\t\n Time of the event: %d:%d\n", calendar [(*monthnum-1)][(*day-1)]. event_list[i+1].tm.hours, calendar [(*monthnum-1)][(*day-1)]. event_list[i+1].tm.minutes);
void DisplayWholeCalendar ( calentry_t calendar[][31]){
int x, y, i;
printf ("You have a total of %d event(s)\n", counter);
for(x = 0; x < 12; x ++) {
for (y=0; y< 31; y++){
if ((calendar[x][y]).valid == FALSE ||(calendar[x][y]).num_events == FALSE){
else {
printf ("On %d-%s-%d You have %d event(s): \n", y+1, calendar [x][y]. event_list[(calendar[x][y].num_events)-1].dt.month, calendar [x][y]. event_list[calendar[x][y].num_events].dt.year, calendar[x][y].num_events);
for (i=0; i<calendar[x][y].num_events; i++){
printf ("\t\n Event %d: ", i+1);
printf ("\t\n Name of the event: %s", calendar [x][y]. event_list[i].ev_name );
printf ("\t\n Time of the event: %d:%d\n", calendar [x][y]. event_list[i+1].tm.hours, calendar [x][y]. event_list[i+1].tm.minutes);
int DeleteEvent (calentry_t calendar [][31]){
int day, year, monthnum, choice, c;
char month [20];
printf ("\n\tWhat is the date that you want to delete one of its events? input like ( 12 January 2012 ) ");
scanf ("%d %s %d", &day, month, &year);
monthnum = MonthStr2Num (month);
if ( calendar [(monthnum-1)][(day-1)].num_events==0){
printf ("No events on this date!!!!!!\n");
return 0;
if ((calendar[(monthnum-1)][(day-1)]).valid == FALSE){
printf ("Invalid date !!!!\n");
return 0;
else {
DisplayCalendar (calendar ,&monthnum, &day, &year);
printf ("\n\nWhat is the event that you want to delete (press 1 for event 1 or 2 for event 2...) ");
scanf ("%d", &choice);
if ( choice >= (calendar [(monthnum-1)][(day-1)].num_events)+1 )
printf("\n\tDeletion not possible.\n");
else {
for ( c = choice - 1 ; c < (calendar [monthnum-1][day-1].num_events) ; c++ ){
calendar [monthnum-1][day-1]. event_list[c] =calendar [monthnum-1][day-1]. event_list[c+1];
} calendar [monthnum-1][day-1].num_events--;
printf ("\n\tEvent deleted \n");