您需要一种方法来检查类型选择对内存使用的影响。如果在给定情况下 short 与 int 将通过减少内存占用来获得性能,那么对内存的影响应该是可测量的。
private static long inUseMemory() {
Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime();
final long memory = rt.totalMemory() - rt.freeMemory();
return memory;
Before short[1000000] allocation: In use: 162608 Change 162608
After short[1000000] allocation: In use: 2162808 Change 2000200
After TwoShorts[1000000] allocation: In use: 34266200 Change 32103392
After NoShorts[1000000] allocation: In use: 58162560 Change 23896360
After TwoInts[1000000] allocation: In use: 90265920 Change 32103360
Dummy to keep arrays live -378899459
public class Test {
private static int BIG = 1000000;
private static long oldMemory = 0;
public static void main(String[] args) {
short[] megaShort;
NoShorts[] megaNoShorts;
TwoShorts[] megaTwoShorts;
TwoInts[] megaTwoInts;
System.out.println("Before short[" + BIG + "] allocation: "
+ memoryReport());
megaShort = new short[BIG];
.println("After short[" + BIG + "] allocation: " + memoryReport());
megaTwoShorts = new TwoShorts[BIG];
for (int i = 0; i < BIG; i++) {
megaTwoShorts[i] = new TwoShorts();
System.out.println("After TwoShorts[" + BIG + "] allocation: "
+ memoryReport());
megaNoShorts = new NoShorts[BIG];
for (int i = 0; i < BIG; i++) {
megaNoShorts[i] = new NoShorts();
System.out.println("After NoShorts[" + BIG + "] allocation: "
+ memoryReport());
megaTwoInts = new TwoInts[BIG];
for (int i = 0; i < BIG; i++) {
megaTwoInts[i] = new TwoInts();
System.out.println("After TwoInts[" + BIG + "] allocation: "
+ memoryReport());
System.out.println("Dummy to keep arrays live "
+ (megaShort[0] + megaTwoShorts[0].hashCode() + megaNoShorts[0]
.hashCode() + megaTwoInts[0].hashCode()));
private static long inUseMemory() {
Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime();
final long memory = rt.totalMemory() - rt.freeMemory();
return memory;
private static String memoryReport() {
long newMemory = inUseMemory();
String result = "In use: " + newMemory + " Change "
+ (newMemory - oldMemory);
oldMemory = newMemory;
return result;
class NoShorts {
//char a, b, c;
class TwoShorts {
//char a, b, c;
short s, t;
class TwoInts {
//char a, b, c;
int s, t;