I'm trying to create a simple list in a VBscript, but I'm unable to find something similar.

Basically, I'm working on Active directory, and I need to get all the groups a user is a member of for all the users within a domain. Now, every user might be a member of a different number of groups, so I plan to use a dictionary, with the key being the SAMID for the user, and the value being a list of all the groups he/she is a member of.

I can do this with a static array, but then I have to declare a random large size for the array which is not nice. What I would ideally like to do is have a python-like list, where I can simple do something like myList.Add and don't have to worry about sizing.

I tried using System.Collection.ArrayList, but I get an error when I run it:

PS C:\tmp> cscript.exe .\foo.vbs
Microsoft (R) Windows Script Host Version 5.8
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

C:\tmp\foo.vbs(1, 1) (null): 0x80131700

how can I accomplish this?


3 回答 3


摆脱字典并释放 ArrayList 的力量。

Option Explicit

dim list
Set list = CreateObject("System.Collections.ArrayList")
list.Add "Banana"
list.Add "Apple"
list.Add "Pear"


wscript.echo list.Count                 ' --> 3
wscript.echo list.Item(0)               ' --> Pear
wscript.echo list.IndexOf("Apple", 0)   ' --> 2
wscript.echo join(list.ToArray(), ", ") ' --> Pear, Banana, Apple

编辑:我看到您已经尝试过 ArrayList,但出现错误。似乎您安装的 dotnet 框架不正确(System.Collections.ArrayList 是其中的一部分)。微软有一篇关于如何解决这个问题的文章:http: //answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_7-performance/error-code-0x80131700/3add8d80-00e0-4355-a994-8630d01c18f5

于 2012-11-27T15:52:38.727 回答
Set dic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")

dic.Add "Item1", ""
dic.Add "Item2", ""
dic.Add "Item3", ""
于 2012-11-27T13:54:11.733 回答

这也是一个替代方案......我前段时间创建的一个实际 List 类。您可以自由使用/修改它以满足您的需求。我构建的原始类实际上依赖于另一个名为ArrayIterator的自定义类。


Set myList = New List

' Iterate through the List using ArrayIterator. You can of course use other methods...
Set myListItr = myList.GetIterator
While myListItr.HasNext
  MsgBox myListItr.GetNext

' Iterate through the List by getting the underlying Array.
Dim element
For Each element In myList.GetArray
  MsgBox element


Class List
  Private mArray

  Private Sub Class_Initialize()
    mArray = Empty
  End Sub

  ' Appends the specified element to the end of this list.
  Public Sub Add(element)
    If IsEmpty(mArray) Then
      ReDim mArray(0)
      mArray(0) = element
      If mArray(UBound(mArray)) <> Empty Then
        ReDim Preserve mArray(UBound(mArray)+1)        
      End If
      mArray(UBound(mArray)) = element
    End If
  End Sub

  '  Removes the element at the specified position in this list.
  Public Sub Remove(index)
    ReDim newArray(0)
    For Each atom In mArray
      If atom <> mArray(index) Then
        If newArray(UBound(newArray)) <> Empty Then
          ReDim Preserve newArray(UBound(newArray)+1)
        End If
        newArray(UBound(newArray)) = atom
      End If
    mArray = newArray
  End Sub

  ' Returns the number of elements in this list.
  Public Function Size
    Size = UBound(mArray)+1
  End Function

  ' Returns the element at the specified position in this list.
  Public Function GetItem(index)
    GetItem = mArray(index)
  End Function

  ' Removes all of the elements from this list.
  Public Sub Clear
    mArray = Empty
  End Sub

  ' Returns true if this list contains elements.
  Public Function HasElements
    HasElements = Not IsEmpty(mArray)
  End Function

  Public Function GetIterator
    Set iterator = New ArrayIterator
    iterator.SetArray = mArray
    GetIterator = iterator
  End Function

  Public Function GetArray
    GetArray = mArray
  End Function

End Class


Class ArrayIterator
  Private mArray
  Private mCursor  

  Private Sub Class_Initialize()
    mCursor = 0
  End Sub

  Public Property Let SetArray(array)
    mArray = array    
  End Property

  Public Function HasNext
    HasNext = (mCursor < UBound(mArray)+1)
  End Function

  Public Function GetNext
    GetNext = mArray(mCursor)
    mCursor = mCursor + 1
  End Function
End Class
于 2012-11-28T16:36:12.380 回答