我有一个名为usersand users的组user1user2. 我已经安装了 postfix,我可以收到user1@example.com和的邮件user2@example.com。是否可以将邮件发送到users@examlpe.com,以便群组成员能够阅读?

postfix 安装在 ubuntu 服务器上并使用几乎默认配置,只需设置域和网络等。用户和组是使用其主目录创建的。


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From the postfix manual:

# man aliases
  Local Aliases
     /etc/mail/aliases is formatted as a series of lines  of  the

     aliasname:address[, address]

     aliasname is the name of  the  alias  or  alias  group,  and
     address  is the address of a recipient in the group. Aliases
     can be nested. That is,  an  address  can  be  the  name  of
     another  alias  group.  Because of the way sendmail(1M) per-
     forms mapping from upper-case to lower-case, an address that
     is  the  name  of  another  alias group must not contain any
     upper-case letters.

     Lines beginning with white space are treated as continuation
     lines  for  the  preceding alias. Lines beginning with # are

You would need to manually add each user to the users group within the aliases file on your host (please check the manual for your distribution for that aliases file location).

So, for your given example:

# tail -1 /etc/mail/aliases
users: user1, user2

Once you have made these changes to your aliases file, run the following:

# newaliases
于 2012-11-27T16:36:01.267 回答