I am going to develop a small device with TI CC2540 inside. It will communicate with iPhone4s. The device is designed to receive commands from iPhone and make specific actions on it. Most of time the device is idle (99% of time). But at any time (in case of iPhone request), it can be able to receive commands from iPhone: 1 command per 20 second with 40bytes max size.
The device should be standalone and work as long as possible.
I see here 2 decisions:
- Device - Central, iPhone - Peripheral. The device implements Central GAP role and always scans for advertising packets from iPhone. Then device initializes connection and then iPhone begins to send commands.
2.Device - Peripheral, iPhone - Central. The device always sends advertising packets.
What is the best low energy consumption strategy? How long will it work? What is the best idle strategy for BLE? Can I implement the 1 way with new iOS6 BLE features?