I'm looking for a non-linear curve fitting routine (probably most likely to be found in R or Python, but I'm open to other languages) which would take x,y data and fit a curve to it.

I should be able to specify as a string the type of expression I want to fit.



What I would get out of this is at least the values for the constants (A, B, C, etc.) And hopefully stats about the fitness of the match.

There are commercial programs to do this, but I expected to be able to find something as common as fitting to a desired expression in a language library nowadays. I suspect SciPy's optimization stuff might be able to do this, but I can't see that it lets me define an equation. Likewise, I can't seem to find exactly what I want in R.

Is what I'm looking for out there, or do I need to roll my own? I hate to do it if it's there and I'm just having trouble finding it.

Edit: I want to do this for a bit more control over the process than I get from LAB Fit. The LAB Fit UI is dreadful. I'd also like to be able to break the range into multiple pieces and have different curves represent the different pieces of the range. In the end, the result has to be able to (speed-wise) beat a LUT with linear interpolation or I'm not interested.

In my current set of problems, I have trig functions or exp() and I need to execute them 352,800 times per second in real time (and use only a fraction of the CPU). So I plot the curve and use the data to drive the curve fitter to get less expensive approximations. In the old days, LUTs were almost always the solution, but nowadays skipping the memory lookups and doing an approximation is sometimes faster.


6 回答 6


您的第一个模型实际上在三个参数中是线性的,可以使用 R 拟合

 fit <- lm(y ~ x + I(x^2), data=X)


第二个模型也可以nls()在 R 中使用,但通常需要提供起始值等警告。优化中的统计问题不一定与数值问题相同——无论您使用哪种语言,都不能只优化任何函数形式选择。

于 2009-08-31T17:03:07.073 回答

要从一般意义上回答您的问题(关于 R 中的参数估计)而不考虑您指出的方程的细节,我认为您正在寻找 nls() 或 optim()...'nls' 是我的第一选择它为每个估计参数提供误差估计,当它失败时我使用“优化”。如果您有 x,y 变量:

out <- tryCatch(nls( y ~ A+B*x+C*x*x, data = data.frame(x,y), 
                start = c(A=0,B=1,C=1) ) ,
                optim( c(A=0,B=1,C=1), function(p,x,y)  
                      sum((y-with(as.list(p),A + B*x + C*x^2))^2), x=x, y=y) )


getcoef <- function(x) if(class(x)=="nls") coef(x) else x$par



帮助文件和 r-help 邮件列表帖子包含许多关于每个实现的特定最小化算法的讨论(在上面的每个示例案例中使用的默认值)以及它们对手头等式的特定形式的适用性。某些算法可以处理框约束,而另一个名为 constrOptim() 的函数将处理一组线性约束。该网站还可以帮助:


于 2009-09-03T11:04:49.783 回答

查看GNU Octave - 在它的 polyfit() 和非线性约束求解器之间,它应该可以构建适合您的问题的东西。

于 2009-08-31T16:59:06.550 回答




于 2009-08-31T17:04:36.820 回答


它们不是我的第一选择,但如果你试图找到你提到的第二个函数的系数,那么也许 GA 会起作用——特别是如果你使用非标准指标来评估最佳拟合。例如,如果您想找到“(A+Bx+Cx^2)/(Dx+Ex^2)”的系数,使得您的函数和数据之间的平方差之和最小并且存在一些约束在结果函数的弧长上,随机算法可能是解决这个问题的好方法。



于 2009-09-01T01:52:54.333 回答

在 R 中,这很容易。

内置方法称为 optim()。它将一个潜在参数的起始向量作为参数,然后是一个函数。你必须去构建自己的错误函数,但这真的很简单。

然后你把它叫做 out = optim( 1 , err_fn)

其中 err_fn 是

err_fn = function(A) {
    diff = 0;
    for(i in 1:data_length){
      x = eckses[i];
      y = data[i];
      model_y = A*x;
      diff = diff + ( y - model_y )^2

这只是假设您在 eckses 和数据中有一个 x 和 y 值的向量。根据需要更改 model_y 行,甚至添加更多参数。

它在非线性上工作得很好,我将它用于四维 e^x 曲线,它非常快。输出数据包括拟合结束时的误差值,这是对拟合程度的度量,以平方差之和的形式给出(在我的 err_fn 中)。

编辑:如果您需要将模型作为字符串接收,您可以让您的用户界面将整个模型拟合过程构​​建为 R 脚本并将其加载到运行中。R 可以从 STDIN 或文件中获取文本,因此制作此函数的等效字符串并让它自动运行优化应该不会太难。

于 2009-08-31T17:21:17.847 回答