我想将 Notes and Reminders 文档或文本导入并保存为 PDF 和 RTF,保留或保留 Notes 或 Reminders 的格式和背景,但 Notes 没有选项。

我想知道是否可以使用 Automator 和 AppleScript 将笔记和提醒作为 PDF 和 RTF 导入。


1 回答 1


If you have a Gmail account, you can move your notes to it in Notes and then move them to some other folder in Gmail's web interface. You can then select the notes in Mail and save them as plain text or rich text (but not PDF).

If you just need a list of reminders as plain text, Reminders has support for AppleScript.

set output to ""
tell application "Reminders"
    repeat with l in lists
        set output to output & linefeed & "## " & name of l & linefeed & linefeed
        repeat with r in reminders of l
            set l to "- " & name of r
            set output to output & l & linefeed
            -- properties of r
        end repeat
    end repeat
end tell
-- set the clipboard to output
于 2012-11-27T12:32:00.883 回答