
我有以下问题。在我的 main 方法 functionmainn中,我将首先初始化fa, mu.a, mu.b, sigma,然后将其用作函数中的step2参数。(请注意,我很确定我的px.q4和在返回一个值并返回 3 个值step2的意义上工作正常/正确)px.q4step2

这就是我的问题所在。我想step2对一个序列执行应用,并且每次它应用于序列(第一次迭代除外)时,该step2函数将不使用初始值fa.iter,而是使用前一个mu.a.iter,的值。这可以在R中完成吗?还是我必须为这类问题使用 for 循环mu.b.iterstep2

我能够使用 for 循环来做到这一点。但是,我想了解有关 R 的更多信息。是否有一个(更有效的)特定命令可以用来解决这个问题?

#this function returns a value    
px.q4 <- function(fa, mu.a, mu.b,sigma)
  v <- fa + mu.a + mu.b * sigma

#this function returns 3 values, fa.iter, mu.a.iter, and mu.b.iter
#for completeness I include the full code of what i am trying to do. 
#But all you need to know is that the function step2 returns 3 values .
step2 <- function(fa, mu.a, mu.b)

  #set prev = iter values // this also allow set initial values = prev in 
  #the 1st iteration
  mu.a.prev <- mu.a.iter
  mu.b.prev <- mu.b.iter
  fa.prev <- fa.iter

  #draw a trail point x.trail from propsal distribution ~ N(x_i-1,0.1)
  mu.a.trail <- rnorm(1, mu.a.prev, 0.1)
  mu.b.trail <- rnorm(1, mu.b.prev, 0.1)
  fa.trail <- rnorm(1, fa.prev, 0.1)
  while(fa.trail < 0 || fa.trail > 1)         
    fa.trail <- rnorm(1, fa.prev, sigma)
  #if p(x_trail) >= p(x_i-1) set x_i = x_trail
  a <- px.q4(fa.trail, mu.a.trail, mu.b.trail, sigma) 
  b <- px.q4(fa.prev ,mu.a.prev , mu.b.prev,sigma)
  if(a >= b)
    mu.a.iter <- mu.a.trail
    mu.b.iter <- mu.b.trail
    fa.iter <- fa.trail
    r <- runif(1,min = 0, max = 1)
    if(r < a/b){
      mu.a.iter <- mu.a.trail
      mu.b.iter <- mu.b.trail
      fa.iter <- fa.trail
      mu.a.iter <- mu.a.prev
      mu.b.iter <- mu.b.prev
      fa.iter <- fa.prev

  res <-  list(mu.a.iter,  mu.b.iter,  fa.iter)
#main body

mainn <- function(n,fa,mu.a,mu.b)
  sigma <- 0.3
  mu.a.init <- mu.a               #initial values 
  mu.b.init <- mu.b
  fa.init <- fa           #(must be between 0 and 1)

  #set initial values = iter values (for entering for loop)
  mu.a.iter <- mu.a.init
  mu.b.iter <- mu.b.init
  fa.iter <- fa.init

  #where to the logical flaw comes in and how can I overcome it
    y <- sapply(n,FUN = step2)


1 回答 1



Reduce(`+`, 1:10, accumulate=TRUE)



# It is easier if your function takes a vector and returns a vector.
# The second argument is ignored.
step2 <- function(x, u) cumsum(x) + rnorm(length(x))
r <- Reduce(step2, 1:100, init=c(0,0,0), accumulate = TRUE)


于 2012-11-27T12:28:04.113 回答