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How to display DateTime with an abbreviated Time Zone?

Iam displaying time from database table. Now I want to display that datetime in my webpage with timezone like IST,PST,EST,CST.

By using C# datetime formatspecifiers.

Convert.ToDateTime(ds_E2A.Tables[0].Rows[0][2]).ToString("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss zz")  

The above displays like this 11/12/2012 21:10:10 +05. Instead of +05 I want to display IST,PST,EST.

I used Convert.ToDateTime(ds_E2A.Tables[0].Rows[0][2]).ToString("r"). It displays GMT at the end of time. But I want to display current timezone.

I used TimeZoneInfo and TimeZone classes in C#.

If Iam getting data from india I want to display as IST or any other country PST or CST

I want to display as 11/12/2012 21:10:10 PST

Thanks in advance


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