我正在编写一个在游戏状态下执行 alhpa-beta 搜索的游戏引擎,并且我正在尝试并行化它。到目前为止,我一开始是在工作,然后似乎慢慢停止了。我怀疑这是因为我没有正确处理我的线程。
与计算机对战时,游戏调用 MultiThreadedComputerPlayer 对象的 getMove() 函数。这是该方法的代码:
public void getMove(){
int n = board.legalMoves.size();
threadList = new ArrayList<WeightedMultiThread>();
moveEvals = new HashMap<Tuple, Integer>();
// Whenever a thread finishes its work at a given depth, it awaits() the other threads
// When all threads are finished, the move evaluations are updated and the threads continue their work.
CyclicBarrier barrier = new CyclicBarrier(n, new Runnable(){
public void run() {
for(WeightedMultiThread t : threadList){
moveEvals.put(t.move, t.eval);
// Prepare and start the threads
for (Tuple move : board.legalMoves) {
MCBoard nextBoard = board.clone();
threadList.add(new WeightedMultiThread(nextBoard, weights, barrier));
moveEvals.put(move, 0);
for (WeightedMultiThread t : threadList) {t.start();}
// Let the threads run for the maximum amount of time per move
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {System.out.println(e);}
for (WeightedMultiThread t : threadList) {
// Play the best move
Integer best = infHolder.MIN;
Tuple nextMove = board.legalMoves.get(0);
for (Tuple m : board.legalMoves) {
if (moveEvals.get(m) > best) {
best = moveEvals.get(m);
nextMove = m;
System.out.println(nextMove + " is the choice of " + name + " given evals:");
for (WeightedMultiThread t : threadList) {
这里有问题线程的 run() 方法:
public void run() {
startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
while(true) {
int nextEval = alphabeta(0, infHolder.MIN, infHolder.MAX);
try{barrier.await();} catch (Exception e) {}
eval = nextEval;
depth += 1;