我只是想知道是否可以编写一个在 shell 中运行的 Python 脚本,可以在用户点击 Tab 时向他们提供建议?
例如,某些应用程序如何限制它们所支持的文件类型。我在 optParse 中没有找到任何可以做到这一点的东西?
myScript.py [TAB](shell 打印选项列表)
这是 shell 的一个特性,而不是被调用的 Python 脚本的特性。有关shell 完成的更多信息,请参阅SO 上的这个问题。特别是,您正在寻找可编程完成。
我认为您正在寻找类似optcomplete的东西。它为 bash 实现了一个完成模块,该模块将为任何使用optparse
. 您可以从中获取提示并将其转换为您需要的内容。
关于如何为 git 执行此操作有一个很好的解释。我将它包含在内,但归功于原作者
# Source this script in tcsh to setup shell completions
# for git. Completions are activated by typing or Control-D
# in the shell after entering a partial command.
# Usage:
# source git-completion.tcsh (e.g. in ~/.cshrc)
# Supported completions:
# git (lists git commands)
# git help (lists git commands)
# git branch (lists branch names)
# git checkout (lists branch names)
# git log (lists the most commonly used flags)
# git remote (lists git remote commands)
# git remote add|prune|rm|show|update
# (lists git remote names)
# In addition to entering where shown, you can enter it after
# typing part of the word, e.g. git branch bug to auto-complete
# branches starting with “bug”.
# Author: David Adler, David Aguilar
if ( -x /usr/bin/git) then
# Git is installed so define tcsh completions for it.
# List of known git subcommands
# This is a hard-coded list to avoid calling ‘git help’ at startup.
set __git_cmd_names = (add bisect blame branch checkout clone commit config \
diff diff-files difftool fetch grep gui init log merge mv pull push \
rebase reset rm show shortlog stash status tag)
alias __git_aliases ‘git config –get-regexp “alias.*” | sed -n “s,alias\.\([^ ]*\).*,\1,p”‘
alias __git_branches ‘git for-each-ref –format=”%(refname)” refs/heads refs/remotes | sed -e s,refs/remotes/,, | sed -e s,refs/heads/,,’
alias __git_origin_branches ‘git for-each-ref –format=”%(refname)” refs/remotes/origin | grep -v HEAD | sed -e s,refs/remotes/origin/,,’
# Define the completions (see the tcsh man page).
complete git \
‘p/1/`__git_aliases | xargs echo $__git_cmd_names`/’ \
“n/help/($__git_cmd_names)/” \
‘n/branch/`__git_branches | xargs echo -m -d`/’ \
‘n/config/(–global –get-regexp –list)/’ \
‘n/diff/`__git_branches | xargs echo –check –staged –stat — *`/’ \
‘n/difftool/`__git_branches | xargs echo –no-prompt –staged — *`/’ \
‘n/fetch/`git remote`/’ \
‘n/merge/`__git_branches`/’ \
‘n/log/`__git_branches | xargs echo — –name-only –name-status –reverse –committer= –no-color –relative –ignore-space-change –ignore-space-at-eol –format=medium –format=full –format=fuller`/’ \
‘n/stash/(apply list save pop clear)/’ \
‘n/push/`git remote`/’ \
‘N/push/`__git_origin_branches`/’ \
‘n/pull/`git remote | xargs echo –rebase`/’ \
‘n/–rebase/`git remote`/’ \
‘N/–rebase/`__git_origin_branches`/’ \
‘N/pull/`__git_origin_branches`/’ \
‘n/rebase/`__git_branches | xargs echo –continue –abort –onto –skip –interactive`/’ \
‘N/rebase/`__git_branches`/’ \
‘n/remote/(show add rm prune update)/’ \
‘N/remote/`git remote`/’ \
‘n/checkout/`__git_branches | xargs echo -b –`/’ \
compleat使用简单的用法描述在 bash 中启用制表符补全。!command