我的代码不是很专业,但它可以满足我的要求:)。该代码基本上是在商店打开时计算多长时间如果关闭计算离开表单打开多长时间。现在我想用 jQuery Countdown 来设置它的样式,但我找不到任何只计算小时、分钟、甚至秒的方法。我正在尝试 UNIX 倒计时,但不知道我做错了什么。我想请你们 Stackoverflow 的同胞帮助我解决这个问题。


date_default_timezone_set('Greenwich'); //Fixes my server location

$openingtime = strtotime('06:00'); //Opening time
$closingtime = strtotime('23:10'); //Closing time
$timenow = strtotime('now'); //Current Server Time
$twentyfourhours = "24:00"; //Hours in a day

//echo date('G:i', $openingtime); //Just texting
//echo date('G:i', $closingtime);
//echo date('H:i', $timenow);
//echo $twentyfourhours;// Testing ends here

$openingin = $twentyfourhours - $timenow + $openingtime; //24:00 - 23:20 + 6:00 = How long left for opening
$closingdown = $closingtime - $timenow; //23:10 - 23:20 How long left to close

//If current time value is bigger then closing time then display when the shop will re-open again
if (date('H:i', $timenow) > date('H:i', $closingtime)) 
  echo "The shop will be open in ".date('H:i', $openingin)." hours";
//If current time value is lower then closing time then display how long the shop will stay open
elseif (date('H:i', $timenow) < date('H:i', $closingtime))
  echo "The shop will be open for ".date('H:i', $closingdown)." hours";

1 回答 1


Ok i have managed to found one but now if you will go to My Testing Ground You will notice that the seconds instead of starting countdown from 60 they start from 00,99,98,97,97 and all the way down :( dunno why its happening im attaching JS code var flipCounter = function(d, options){

// Default values
var defaults = {
    value: 0,
    inc: 1,
    pace: 1000,
    auto: true,
    tFH: 39,
    bFH: 64,
    fW: 53,
    bOffset: 390

var o = options || {},
doc = window.document,
divId = typeof d !== 'undefined' && d !== '' ? d : 'flip-counter',
div = doc.getElementById(divId);

for (var opt in defaults) o[opt] = (opt in o) ? o[opt] : defaults[opt];

var digitsOld = [], digitsNew = [], subStart, subEnd, x, y, nextCount = null, newDigit, newComma,
best = {
    q: null,
    pace: 0,
    inc: 0

 * Sets the value of the counter and animates the digits to new value.
 * Example: myCounter.setValue(500); would set the value of the counter to 500,
 * no matter what value it was previously.
 * @param {int} n
 *   New counter value
this.setValue = function(n){
    if (isNumber(n)){
        x = o.value;
        y = n;
        o.value = n;
    return this;

 * Sets the increment for the counter. Does NOT animate digits.
this.setIncrement = function(n){
    o.inc = isNumber(n) ? n : defaults.inc;
    return this;

 * Sets the pace of the counter. Only affects counter when auto == true.
 * @param {int} n
 *   New pace for counter in milliseconds
this.setPace = function(n){
    o.pace = isNumber(n) ? n : defaults.pace;
    return this;

 * Sets counter to auto-incrememnt (true) or not (false).
 * @param {bool} a
 *   Should counter auto-increment, true or false
this.setAuto = function(a){
    if (a && ! o.atuo){
        o.auto = true;
    if (! a && o.auto){
        if (nextCount) clearNext();
        o.auto = false;
    return this;

 * Increments counter by one animation based on set 'inc' value.
this.step = function(){
    if (! o.auto) doCount();
    return this;

 * Adds a number to the counter value, not affecting the 'inc' or 'pace' of the counter.
 * @param {int} n
 *   Number to add to counter value
this.add = function(n){
    if (isNumber(n)){
        x = o.value;
        o.value += n;
        y = o.value;
    return this;

 * Subtracts a number from the counter value, not affecting the 'inc' or 'pace' of the counter.
 * @param {int} n
 *   Number to subtract from counter value
this.subtract = function(n){
    if (isNumber(n)){
        x = o.value;
        o.value -= n;
        if (o.value >= 0){
            y = o.value;
            y = "0";
            o.value = 0;
    return this;

 * Increments counter to given value, animating by current pace and increment.
 * @param {int} n
 *   Number to increment to
 * @param {int} t (optional)
 *   Time duration in seconds - makes increment a 'smart' increment
 * @param {int} p (optional)
 *   Desired pace for counter if 'smart' increment
this.incrementTo = function(n, t, p){
    if (nextCount) clearNext();

    // Smart increment
    if (typeof t != 'undefined'){
        var time = isNumber(t) ? t * 1000 : 10000,
        pace = typeof p != 'undefined' && isNumber(p) ? p : o.pace,
        diff = typeof n != 'undefined' && isNumber(n) ? n - o.value : 0,
        cycles, inc, check, i = 0;
        best.q = null;

        // Initial best guess
        pace = (time / diff > pace) ? Math.round((time / diff) / 10) * 10 : pace;
        cycles = Math.floor(time / pace);
        inc = Math.floor(diff / cycles);

        check = checkSmartValues(diff, cycles, inc, pace, time);

        if (diff > 0){
            while (check.result === false && i < 100){              
                pace += 10;
                cycles = Math.floor(time / pace);
                inc = Math.floor(diff / cycles);

                check = checkSmartValues(diff, cycles, inc, pace, time);                    

            if (i == 100){
                // Could not find optimal settings, use best found so far
                o.inc = best.inc;
                o.pace = best.pace;
                // Optimal settings found, use those
                o.inc = inc;
                o.pace = pace;

            doIncrement(n, true, cycles);

    // Regular increment


 * Gets current value of counter.
this.getValue = function(){
    return o.value;

 * Stops all running increments.
this.stop = function(){
    if (nextCount) clearNext();
    return this;


function doCount(){
    x = o.value;
    o.value += o.inc;
    y = o.value;
    if (o.auto === true) nextCount = setTimeout(doCount, o.pace);

function doIncrement(n, s, c){
    var val = o.value,
    smart = (typeof s == 'undefined') ? false : s,
    cycles = (typeof c == 'undefined') ? 1 : c;

    if (smart === true) cycles--;

    if (val != n){
        x = o.value,
        o.auto = true;

        if (val + o.inc <= n && cycles != 0) val += o.inc
        else val = n;

        o.value = val;
        y = o.value;

        nextCount = setTimeout(function(){doIncrement(n, smart, cycles)}, o.pace);
    else o.auto = false;

function digitCheck(x,y){
    digitsOld = splitToArray(x);
    digitsNew = splitToArray(y);
    var diff,
    xlen = digitsOld.length,
    ylen = digitsNew.length;
    if (ylen > xlen){
        diff = ylen - xlen;
        while (diff > 0){
            addDigit(ylen - diff + 1, digitsNew[ylen - diff]);
    if (ylen < xlen){
        diff = xlen - ylen;
        while (diff > 0){
            removeDigit(xlen - diff);
    for (var i = 0; i < xlen; i++){
        if (digitsNew[i] != digitsOld[i]){
            animateDigit(i, digitsOld[i], digitsNew[i]);

function animateDigit(n, oldDigit, newDigit){
    var speed, step = 0, w, a,
    bp = [
        '-' + o.fW + 'px -' + (oldDigit * o.tFH) + 'px',
        (o.fW * -2) + 'px -' + (oldDigit * o.tFH) + 'px',
        '0 -' + (newDigit * o.tFH) + 'px',
        '-' + o.fW + 'px -' + (oldDigit * o.bFH + o.bOffset) + 'px',
        (o.fW * -2) + 'px -' + (newDigit * o.bFH + o.bOffset) + 'px',
        (o.fW * -3) + 'px -' + (newDigit * o.bFH + o.bOffset) + 'px',
        '0 -' + (newDigit * o.bFH + o.bOffset) + 'px'

    if (o.auto === true && o.pace <= 300){
        switch (n){
            case 0:
                speed = o.pace/6;
            case 1:
                speed = o.pace/5;
            case 2:
                speed = o.pace/4;
            case 3:
                speed = o.pace/3;
                speed = o.pace/1.5;
        speed = 80;
    // Cap on slowest animation can go
    speed = (speed > 80) ? 80 : speed;

    function animate(){
        if (step < 7){
            w = step < 3 ? 't' : 'b';
            a = doc.getElementById(divId + "_" + w + "_d" + n);
            if (a) a.style.backgroundPosition = bp[step];
            if (step != 3) setTimeout(animate, speed);
            else animate();


// Creates array of digits for easier manipulation
function splitToArray(input){
    return input.toString().split("").reverse();

// Adds new digit
function addDigit(len, digit){
    var li = Number(len) - 1;
    newDigit = doc.createElement("ul");
    newDigit.className = 'cd';
    newDigit.id = divId + '_d' + li;
    newDigit.innerHTML = '<li class="t" id="' + divId + '_t_d' + li + '"></li><li class="b" id="' + divId + '_b_d' + li + '"></li>';

    if (li % 2 == 0){
        newComma = doc.createElement("ul");
        newComma.className = 'cd';
        newComma.innerHTML = '<li class="s"></li>';
        div.insertBefore(newComma, div.firstChild);

    div.insertBefore(newDigit, div.firstChild);
    doc.getElementById(divId + "_t_d" + li).style.backgroundPosition = '0 -' + (digit * o.tFH) + 'px';
    doc.getElementById(divId + "_b_d" + li).style.backgroundPosition = '0 -' + (digit * o.bFH + o.bOffset) + 'px';

// Removes digit
function removeDigit(id){
    var remove = doc.getElementById(divId + "_d" + id);

    // Check for leading comma
    var first = div.firstChild.firstChild;
    if ((" " + first.className + " ").indexOf(" s ") > -1 ){
        remove = first.parentNode;

// Sets the correct digits on load
function initialDigitCheck(init){
    // Creates the right number of digits
    var initial = init.toString(),
    count = initial.length,
    bit = 1, i;
    for (i = 0; i < count; i++){
        newDigit = doc.createElement("ul");
        newDigit.className = 'cd';
        newDigit.id = divId + '_d' + i;
        newDigit.innerHTML = newDigit.innerHTML = '<li class="t" id="' + divId + '_t_d' + i + '"></li><li class="b" id="' + divId + '_b_d' + i + '"></li>';
        div.insertBefore(newDigit, div.firstChild);
        if (bit != (count) && bit % 2 == 0){
            newComma = doc.createElement("ul");
            newComma.className = 'cd';
            newComma.innerHTML = '<li class="s"></li>';
            div.insertBefore(newComma, div.firstChild);
    // Sets them to the right number
    var digits = splitToArray(initial);
    for (i = 0; i < count; i++){
        doc.getElementById(divId + "_t_d" + i).style.backgroundPosition = '0 -' + (digits[i] * o.tFH) + 'px';
        doc.getElementById(divId + "_b_d" + i).style.backgroundPosition = '0 -' + (digits[i] * o.bFH + o.bOffset) + 'px';
    // Do first animation
    if (o.auto === true) nextCount = setTimeout(doCount, o.pace);

// Checks values for smart increment and creates debug text
function checkSmartValues(diff, cycles, inc, pace, time){
    var r = {result: true}, q;
    // Test conditions, all must pass to continue:
    // 1: Unrounded inc value needs to be at least 1
    r.cond1 = (diff / cycles >= 1) ? true : false;
    // 2: Don't want to overshoot the target number
    r.cond2 = (cycles * inc <= diff) ? true : false;
    // 3: Want to be within 10 of the target number
    r.cond3 = (Math.abs(cycles * inc - diff) <= 10) ? true : false;
    // 4: Total time should be within 100ms of target time.
    r.cond4 = (Math.abs(cycles * pace - time) <= 100) ? true : false;
    // 5: Calculated time should not be over target time
    r.cond5 = (cycles * pace <= time) ? true : false;

    // Keep track of 'good enough' values in case can't find best one within 100 loops
    if (r.cond1 && r.cond2 && r.cond4 && r.cond5){
        q = Math.abs(diff - (cycles * inc)) + Math.abs(cycles * pace - time);
        if (best.q === null) best.q = q;
        if (q <= best.q){
            best.pace = pace;
            best.inc = inc;

    for (var i = 1; i <= 5; i++){
        if (r['cond' + i] === false){
            r.result = false;
    return r;

// http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18082/validate-numbers-in-javascript-isnumeric/1830844
function isNumber(n) {
    return !isNaN(parseFloat(n)) && isFinite(n);

function clearNext(){
    nextCount = null;

// Start it up


于 2012-11-27T22:13:19.153 回答