DatagramPacket rPacket
rPacket = new DatagramPacket(new byte[2000], 2000);
.. do some socket.receive ..
来自 DataGrammPacket 类的 javadoc
获取长度():Returns the length of the data to be sent or the length of the data
获取数据():Returns the data buffer. The data received or the data to be sent
starts from the <code>offset</code> in the buffer,
and runs for <code>length</code> long.
此外,您还必须知道 setData():
Set the data buffer for this packet. This sets the
* data, length and offset of the packet.
* @param buf the buffer to set for this packet
* @param offset the offset into the data
* @param length the length of the data
* and/or the length of the buffer used to receive data
setData(byte[] buf, int offset, int length)
构造函数还调用 setData()