任何人都可以提供一些信息以便我可以开始,只需制作一个不允许写入文件或网络的 AppDomain。
对于 .net framework 4.0,请遵循此MSDN 文章中的以下代码。
以下示例实现了上一节中的过程。在示例中,Visual Studio 解决方案中名为 Sandboxer 的项目还包含名为 UntrustedCode 的项目,该项目实现类 UntrustedClass。此方案假定您已下载一个库程序集,该程序集包含一个预期返回 true 或 false 以指示您提供的数字是否为斐波那契数的方法。相反,该方法会尝试从您的计算机中读取文件。以下示例显示了不受信任的代码。
using System;
using System.IO;
namespace UntrustedCode
public class UntrustedClass
// Pretend to be a method checking if a number is a Fibonacci
// but which actually attempts to read a file.
public static bool IsFibonacci(int number)
return false;
以下示例显示了执行不受信任代码的 Sandboxer 应用程序代码。
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;
using System.Security;
using System.Security.Policy;
using System.Security.Permissions;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.Remoting;
//The Sandboxer class needs to derive from MarshalByRefObject so that we can create it in another
// AppDomain and refer to it from the default AppDomain.
class Sandboxer : MarshalByRefObject
const string pathToUntrusted = @"..\..\..\UntrustedCode\bin\Debug";
const string untrustedAssembly = "UntrustedCode";
const string untrustedClass = "UntrustedCode.UntrustedClass";
const string entryPoint = "IsFibonacci";
private static Object[] parameters = { 45 };
static void Main()
//Setting the AppDomainSetup. It is very important to set the ApplicationBase to a folder
//other than the one in which the sandboxer resides.
AppDomainSetup adSetup = new AppDomainSetup();
adSetup.ApplicationBase = Path.GetFullPath(pathToUntrusted);
//Setting the permissions for the AppDomain. We give the permission to execute and to
//read/discover the location where the untrusted code is loaded.
PermissionSet permSet = new PermissionSet(PermissionState.None);
permSet.AddPermission(new SecurityPermission(SecurityPermissionFlag.Execution));
//We want the sandboxer assembly's strong name, so that we can add it to the full trust list.
StrongName fullTrustAssembly = typeof(Sandboxer).Assembly.Evidence.GetHostEvidence<StrongName>();
//Now we have everything we need to create the AppDomain, so let's create it.
AppDomain newDomain = AppDomain.CreateDomain("Sandbox", null, adSetup, permSet, fullTrustAssembly);
//Use CreateInstanceFrom to load an instance of the Sandboxer class into the
//new AppDomain.
ObjectHandle handle = Activator.CreateInstanceFrom(
newDomain, typeof(Sandboxer).Assembly.ManifestModule.FullyQualifiedName,
//Unwrap the new domain instance into a reference in this domain and use it to execute the
//untrusted code.
Sandboxer newDomainInstance = (Sandboxer) handle.Unwrap();
newDomainInstance.ExecuteUntrustedCode(untrustedAssembly, untrustedClass, entryPoint, parameters);
public void ExecuteUntrustedCode(string assemblyName, string typeName, string entryPoint, Object[] parameters)
//Load the MethodInfo for a method in the new Assembly. This might be a method you know, or
//you can use Assembly.EntryPoint to get to the main function in an executable.
MethodInfo target = Assembly.Load(assemblyName).GetType(typeName).GetMethod(entryPoint);
//Now invoke the method.
bool retVal = (bool)target.Invoke(null, parameters);
catch (Exception ex)
// When we print informations from a SecurityException extra information can be printed if we are
//calling it with a full-trust stack.
(new PermissionSet(PermissionState.Unrestricted)).Assert();
Console.WriteLine("SecurityException caught:\n{0}", ex.ToString());
System.Security.PermissionSet ps =
new System.Security.PermissionSet(System.Security.Permissions.PermissionState.None);
ps.AddPermission(new System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermission(System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermissionAccess.NoAccess, "C:\\"));
System.Security.Policy.PolicyLevel pl = System.Security.Policy.PolicyLevel.CreateAppDomainLevel();
pl.RootCodeGroup.PolicyStatement = new System.Security.Policy.PolicyStatement(ps);
System.Reflection.Assembly myPluginAssembly = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.Load("MyPluginAssembly");
请注意,您可以提供一个字符串数组,其中包含您不希望插件访问的路径。您可以在初始化 FileIOPermission 类的新实例时提供 if。
通过代理加载程序集时,如果我没记错的话,您可以通过 LoadAssembly() 方法指定此特定程序集的安全策略级别。换句话说,这是通过反射完成的。