我已经想通了。此解决方案允许您选择指定的索引开始搜索并检查索引为 1 的列。(通常是您的第二列)
Private Function FindLogic(ByVal LV As ListView, ByVal CIndex As Integer, ByVal SearchFor As String) As Integer
Dim idx As Integer
Dim It = From i In LV.Items Where i.index > CIndex And i.SubItems(1).Text = SearchFor
If It.Count > 0 Then
idx = It(0).Index
idx = -1
End If
Return idx
End Function
Private Function FindLogic(ByVal LV As ListView, ByVal CIndex As Integer, ByVal Column As Integer, ByVal SearchFor As String) As Integer
Dim idx As Integer
Dim It = From i In LV.Items Where i.index > CIndex And i.SubItems(Column).Text = SearchFor
If It.Count > 0 Then
idx = It(0).Index
idx = -1
End If
Return idx
End Function
FindLogic(Listview1, 1, 1, "Dog")
FindLogic(Listview1, 1, LV.SelectedIndices(0), "Dog")