我正在使用 Lex 和 Yacc 构建一个计算器编译器。这个想法基于以下资源:http ://epaperpress.com/lexandyacc/index.html 。
//.TEST -- JWJ
//.Step final -- testing all requirements
//.source: test-1m.cal
//.expected output: test-1m_expected.out
* This program will use Newton's method to estimate the roots of
This should be a comment as well, but does not get picked up
* f(x) = x^3 - 3*x
float xn;
float xo;
// int num_iterations;
xo = 3.0;
xn = 3.0;
num_iterations = 1;
/* A do-while loop */
do {
print xo;
xo = xn;
xn = xo - ( xo * xo * xo - 3.0 * xo ) / ( 3.0 * xo * xo - 3.0);
num_iterations = num_iterations + 1;
} while ( num_iterations <= 6 )
print xn; // The root found using Newton's method.
print (xo * xo * xo - 3.0 * xo ); // Print f(xn), which should be 0.
我在我的 lex 文件中使用以下正则表达式: