我正在创建一个网页,以使用 ajax、vb 和 .net 使用 High Charts 动态创建图形和图表。我目前可以调用运行并返回 json 的 web 服务,但是我无法获得正确的 json。我用来返回 json 的函数可以对一个对象进行很好的序列化,但是我设置它的方式不止一个不正确。

Public Function DoWork() As String
    ' Add your operation implementation here

    Dim prod As New product

    Dim strConnString As String = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("STEMConnectionString").ConnectionString
    Dim myConnection As SqlConnection

    myConnection = New SqlConnection(strConnString)


    Dim strData As String = "SELECT Student_Survey_Response_Fact.StudentID,  Student_Survey_Response_Fact.SurveyID, " & _
    "Survey_ItemR.SurveyQuestionText, Student_Survey_Response_Fact.ResponseText, Survey_ItemR.SurveyResponseNo, Student_Lite.Gender " & _
    "FROM Student_Survey_Response_Fact INNER JOIN " & _
    "Survey_ItemR ON Student_Survey_Response_Fact.ResponseNo = Survey_ItemR.SurveyResponseNo INNER JOIN " & _
    "Student_Lite ON Student_Survey_Response_Fact.StudentID = Student_Lite.StudentId INNER JOIN " & _
    "Survey_Item ON Student_Lite.SchoolYear = Survey_Item.SchoolYear " & _
    "WHERE (Student_Survey_Response_Fact.ResponseText <> 'NULL')"

    Dim Command As New SqlCommand(strData, myConnection)

    Dim reader As SqlDataReader

    reader = Command.ExecuteReader

    Dim stream As New MemoryStream

    Dim jsonSerializer As New DataContractJsonSerializer(GetType(product))

    While reader.Read
        prod.stuID = reader("StudentID").ToString
        prod.gender = reader("Gender").ToString
        prod.surveyID = reader("SurveyID").ToString
        prod.surveyQ = reader("SurveyQuestionText").ToString
        prod.surveyR = reader("ResponseText").ToString
        prod.surveyNum = reader("SurveyResponseNo").ToString
        jsonSerializer.WriteObject(stream, prod)
    End While

    stream.Position = 0

    Dim streamRead As New StreamReader(stream)

    Return streamRead.ReadToEnd()

我知道它为什么会这样,但我不知道如何解决它。我把它放在jsonSerializer.WriteObject(stream, prod)循环中,所以它为每个对象创建一个 json 字符串。问题是客户端的输出如下所示:

d:{"gender":"M","stuID":"005716305","surveyA":null,"surveyID":"201202","surveyNum":"Resp 09","surveyQ":"Please indicate how you feel about the following statement: - I would like to enter a science competition or science fair in the future.","surveyR":"Disagree"}{"gender":"M","stuID":"005716305","surveyA":null,"surveyID":"201202","surveyNum":"Resp 10","surveyQ":"Please indicate how you feel about the following statement: - The science in school is not related to my everyday life.","surveyR":"Agree"}{"gender":"F","stuID":"005716310","surveyA":null,"surveyID":"201202","surveyNum":"Resp 03","surveyQ":"Which subjects do you most like to study in school? Rank them from like it a lot to don't like it at all. - Science","surveyR":"like it a lot"}{"gender":"F","stuID":"005716310","surveyA":null,"surveyID":"201202","surveyNum":"Resp 06","surveyQ":"Please indicate how you feel about the following statement: - I would rather find out why something happens by doing an experiment than being told.","surveyR":"Agree"}

哪个没有正确的 json 语法。

我的客户端 ajax 调用如下所示:

success: function (result) {
    $.each(result, function (key, value) {
        $('body').append(key + ': ' + value);

我不确定我是否正确调用它,但我知道 webService 不正确。


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