我为所有代码道歉,但我很难描述我想要做什么。我正在为瓦片地图创建一个 2D 网格。瓷砖(块)被分解成一个 10x10 的方块,称为一个块,这些块形成 10x10 的方块以形成区域,一个 10x10 的方块形成一个世界。正方形的边尺寸是blockSize。


从最大到最小:世界 -> 区域 -> 块 -> 块。

这张图片显示了一个 2x2 块大小的世界将如何布局:




// Create a world of 10x10 regions, each made up of 10x10 chunks, each made up of 10x10 tiles
World world = new World(blockSize);

// Address the upper left hand corner of the world. The first region's first chunk's first block.
Block block = World.Regions[0,0].Chunks[0,0].Blocks[0,0];

// Address a random chunk
Chunk chunk = World.Regions[1,2].Chunks[6,2];

// Iterate over the Block[,] grid of the given chunk from left to right, up to down
// This will give us every block in Region 1,2 Chunk 6,2
foreach (Block block in chunk) {}

// Address a random region
Region region = World.Regions[4,5];

// Iterate over the Chunk[,] grid of the given region from left to right, up to down
// This will give us every Chunk in Region 4,5
foreach (Chunk chunk in region) {}

// In World, iterate over the Region[,] grid from left to right, up to down
// This will give us every Region in the World
foreach (Region region in World.regions) {}




// Given a region, return all chunks in that region
foreach (Chunk chunk in region) {}

// Given a region, return all blocks in all chunks in that region
foreach (Block block in region.GetAllBlocks)
    // Scan the chunks from left to right.
    // In each chunk, scan the blocks from left to right.
    // Cover every block in the region.

// Given a world, return all the regions
Region regionArray = World.region;     // For clarity
foreach (Region region in regionArray ) {}

// Given a world, return all the chunks in all the regions
Region regionArray = World.region;     // For clarity
foreach (Chunk chunk in regionArray.GetAllChunks)
   // Scan the regions from left to right, up to down.
   // In each region, scan the chunks from left to right, up to down.

// Given a world, return all the blocks in all the chunks in all the regions
Region regionArray = World.region;     // For clarity
foreach (Block block in regionArray.GetAllBlocks)
   // Scan the regions from left to right, up to down.
   // In each region, scan the chunks from left to right, up to down.
   // In each chunk, scan the blocks from left to right, up to down.




/* **************************************** */
class Block
   int blockX, blockY;           // Grid X/Y of this block in it's chunk
   public Block(blockX, blockY)
      this.blockX = blockX;
      this.blockY = blockY;
} // Block Class

/* **************************************** */
class Chunk : IEnumerator, IENumerable
    int chunkX, chunkY;       // X/Y of the chunk in it's region
    int blockSize;
    int containsBlocks;
    public Block[,] blocks;
    int enumeratorIndex = -1;

    public Chunk(int chunkX, int chunkY, int blockSize)
        this.chunkX = chunkX;
        this.chunkY = chunkY;
        this.blockSize = blockSize;
        this.containsBlocks = blockSize * blockSize;

        blocks = new Block[blockSize, blockSize];

        for (int x = 0; x < blockSize; ++x)
            for (int y = 0; y < blockSize; ++y)
                blocks[x, y] = new Block(x, y);
    } // constructor

    public IEnumerator GetEnumerator()
        return (IEnumerator)this;

    public bool MoveNext()
        return (enumeratorIndex < this.containsBlocks);

    public void Reset() { enumeratorIndex = 0; }

    public object Current
            int y = enumeratorIndex / blockSize;
            int x = enumeratorIndex % blockSize;
            return blocks[x, y];
} // Chunk Class

/* **************************************** */
class Region : IEnumerator, IENumerable
   int regionX, int regionY;     // X/Y of region in the world
   int blockSize;
   int containsBlocks;
   public Chunks[,] chunks;
   int enumeratorIndex = -1;

   Same kind of constructor to setup the Chunks[,] array, but this time the iterator is

    public object Current
            int y = enumeratorIndex / blockSize;
            int x = enumeratorIndex % blockSize;
            return Chunks[x, y];
} // Region Class

/* **************************************** */
class World : IEnumerator, IENumerable
    public Region[,] regions;       // There is only one world, here are it's regions
    int blockSize;


    public object Current
            int y = enumeratorIndex / blockSize;
            int x = enumeratorIndex % blockSize;
            return Region[x, y];

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