我正在尝试在桌面上使用 C# 开发一个应用程序,其中一个用户正在通过电子邮件或姓名搜索一个人。然后它会列出用户的信息和公共相册或图片。然后程序的用户会看照片,如果能找到合适的搜索人会添加朋友。

我的问题是我无法列出和显示公共相册。我尝试使用 FQL 和图形 API,但都返回了空数据。我为此编写的代码:

ArrayList  pictureLink;
public void userPhotos(string userID)
            var fb2 = new FacebookClient(_accessToken);

//result1 and result2 aren't using in code only for looking for with breakpoint
            dynamic result1 = fb2.Get("fql", new { q = "SELECT aid,cover_pid FROM album WHERE owner=" + kisiID });
            dynamic result2 = fb2.Get("fql", new { q = "SELECT pid,aid FROM photo WHERE owner=" + kisiID });

            ArrayList imageSize; //for gettig highest pixell of picture
            pictureLink = new ArrayList();
            var fb = new FacebookClient(_accessToken);

            //dynamic albums = fb.Get("me/albums"); // THİS code is rigth runnig
        dynamic albums = fb.Get(userID + "/albums");

            foreach (dynamic albumInfo in albums.data)
                //Get the Pictures inside the album this gives JASON objects list that has photo attributes 
                // described here http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/photo/
                dynamic albumsPhotos = fb.Get(albumInfo.id + "/photos");
                foreach (dynamic rs in albumsPhotos.data)
                    imageSize= new ArrayList();
                    foreach (dynamic rsa in rs.images)
                    int highestImage = Convert.ToInt32(imageSize[0]);
                    foreach (dynamic rsa in rs.images)
                        if (rsa.height == highestImage )
                            string link= rsa.source;

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  • 任何有效的访问令牌(如果它是公开的并且属于页面)
  • user_photos 权限(如果属于用户)
  • 属于用户朋友的friend_photos权限

来源:https ://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/album/


  • 任何有效的访问令牌(如果它是公开的并且属于用户)

这意味着 API 根本不允许您访问公共相册。事件也是如此。

于 2013-03-04T01:15:48.293 回答