是否有可能静态断言作为模板参数提供的类型是否实现了参数包中列出的所有类型,即。参数包感知 std::is_base_of()?

template <typename Type, typename... Requirements>
class CommonBase
    static_assert(is_base_of<Requirements..., Type>::value, "Invalid.");
            parameter pack aware version of std::is_base_of()
    template <typename T> T* as()
        static_assert(std::is_base_of<Requirements..., T>::value, "Invalid.");
        return reinterpret_cast<T*>(this);

2 回答 2


C++17 更新: 使用 C++17 的折叠表达式,这变得几乎是微不足道的:

template <typename Type, typename... Requirements>
class CommonBase
    static_assert((std::is_base_of_v<Type, Requirements> && ...), "Invalid.");

原始答案(C++11/14): 您可能会使用包扩展和一些静态版本std::all_of

template <bool... b> struct static_all_of;

//implementation: recurse, if the first argument is true
template <bool... tail> 
struct static_all_of<true, tail...> : static_all_of<tail...> {};

//end recursion if first argument is false - 
template <bool... tail> 
struct static_all_of<false, tail...> : std::false_type {};

// - or if no more arguments
template <> struct static_all_of<> : std::true_type {};

template <typename Type, typename... Requirements>
class CommonBase
    static_assert(static_all_of<std::is_base_of<Type, Requirements>::value...>::value, "Invalid.");
    //                                               pack expansion:      ^^^

struct Base {};
struct Derived1 : Base {};
struct Derived2 : Base {};
struct NotDerived {};

int main()
  CommonBase <Base, Derived1, Derived2> ok;
  CommonBase <Base, Derived1, NotDerived, Derived2> error;

包扩展将扩展为您通过在其中插入Requirements...问号的每种类型来获得的值列表std::is_base_of<Type, ?>::value,即对于 main 中的第一行它将扩展为static_all_of<true, true>,对于第二行它将是static_all_of<true, false, true>

于 2012-11-26T10:57:13.410 回答

仅供将来参考,因为我刚刚遇到了这个问题,使用 C++17,您现在可以使用如下折叠表达式:

template<typename Base, typename... Args>
constexpr auto all_base_of()
    return (std::is_base_of<Base, Args>::value && ...);

static_assert(all_base_of<Base, A, B, C>());
于 2016-03-24T06:33:41.467 回答