
我似乎无法为使用 NetBeans 7.2 的大多数应用程序生成 Java Doc(与 7.1 有同样的问题)。我根本无法弄清楚为什么会出现此错误:

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Error decoding percent encoded characters



package access;

import exception.DataException;
import java.util.List;
import table.Row;

 * @author Vipar
public interface DataAccessor {
     * Reads data from a table.
     * @param table The table.
     * @param columns The columns to read, or null to read 
     * all the columns in the table.
     * @param selectionRow A set of filter columns and values 
     * use to subset the rows, or null to 
     * read all the rows in the table.
     * @param sortColumns The columns to sort, or null to read 
     * without sorting.
     * @return The list of rows.
    List read(String table,
            String[] columns,
            Row selectionRow,
            String[] sortColumns) throws DataException;

     * Inserts data into a table.
     * @param table The table.
     * @param rows The rows to insert
    void insert(String table, List rows) throws DataException;

     * Updates data in a table.
     * @param table The table.
     * @param selectionRow A set of filter columns and values 
     * used to subset the rows, or null to 
     * update all of the rows in the table.
     * @param updateRow A set of update columns and values.
    void update(String table,
            Row selectionRow,
            Row updateRow) throws DataException;

     * Deletes data from a table.
     * @param table The table.
     * @param selectionRow A set of filter columns and values 
     * used to subset the rows, or null to 
     * delete all of the rows in the table.
    void delete(String table,
            Row selectionRow) throws DataException;

Row 和 DataException 没有任何文档,因为当前两者都是空的。我只是想测试文档的外观。

我使用 Java 1.7


1 回答 1


我测试了您的课程-> javadoc 照常生成。

请检查这些设置 ( contextmenu of project -> Properties):

  • Sources -> Encoding: UTF-8: 你这里有什么?
  • Build -> Documenting: 你有设置一些Javadoc 选项吗?如果您在此文本字段中有设置,请删除它们并重试。顺便提一句。您在Documenting中的设置是什么?
  • 由于此异常没有问题,请随意打开一个。
于 2012-11-26T16:25:43.597 回答