我们正在尝试为我们的一种解决方案构建一个 SIP2RTSP 网关,其中一个 SIP 邀请被转换为对 wowza 媒体服务器的 RTSP 设置请求,然后从 mediaServer 向 SipClient 播放回放。

但是,当发送设置请求时,wowza 总是绑定到 rtsp 客户端地址,即使目标是在 SETUP 请求标头的传输中设置的。在这里,我们要告诉 wowza rtsp 服务器绑定到 sip UA IP 而不是 rtsp 客户端 ip 以用于 RTP 流量的流动。

RFC 2326 说

      The address to which a stream will be sent. The client may
      specify the multicast address with the destination parameter.
      To avoid becoming the unwitting perpetrator of a remote-
      controlled denial-of-service attack, a server SHOULD
      authenticate the client and SHOULD log such attempts before
      allowing the client to direct a media stream to an address not
      chosen by the server. This is particularly important if RTSP
      commands are issued via UDP, but implementations cannot rely
      on TCP as reliable means of client identification by itself. A
      server SHOULD not allow a client to direct media streams to an
      address that differs from the address commands are coming

在这里它还告诉 服务器不应允许客户端将媒体流定向到与命令来自的地址不同的地址。

目标字段的用途是什么以及我们如何引导 RTSP 客户端以外的媒体流?


1 回答 1


The point is that client MAY request the stream to be sent at client-chosen location. Still server should be doing this carefully, and take decision whether to allow an address which is different from RTSP client address or not using security consideration such as authentication availability etc. Because sending stream blindly to any given address, esp. via UDP, is unsafe: a malicious client might easily bring server down.

All in all, destination is where to send stream to. Servers do not guarantee that streams will be sent to locations other than RTSP client's.

于 2012-11-26T09:43:40.850 回答