I can't seem to get Rails.vim to detect that I don't use test/unit, whenever I go into app/models/model.rb and issue the :A command it I get an error:

E345: Can't find file "test/unit/model_test.rb" in path

There's no test/ directory in my tree,

-> ls
Gemfile       README.rdoc  app          config.ru    
doc           log          script       tmp
Gemfile.lock  Rakefile     config       db           
lib           public       spec         vendor

Thanks in advance for any clues.


2 回答 2


Took me five minutes after asking the question. The problem was that spec/models/item_spec.rb didn't exist either (I thought it did), and Rails.vim/MacVim complained about the test/unit file as that is the default one.

于 2012-11-26T06:31:36.923 回答

You could also use the plugin vim-twitch to address the issue of switching between test and production files.

于 2015-10-22T11:20:24.633 回答