typedef struct {
std::string title;
int rating;
} listing;
template<class T>
class ListIterator
ListIterator( ) : current(NULL) {}
ListIterator(Node<T>* initial) : current(initial) {}
const T& operator *( ) const { return current->getData( ); }
//Precondition: Not equal to the default constructor object,
//that is, current != NULL.
ListIterator& operator ++( ) //Prefix form
current = current->getLink( );
return *this;
ListIterator operator ++(int) //Postfix form
ListIterator startVersion(current);
current = current->getLink( );
return startVersion;
bool operator ==(const ListIterator& rightSide) const
{ return (current == rightSide.current); }
bool operator !=(const ListIterator& rightSide) const
{ return (current != rightSide.current); }
//The default assignment operator and copy constructor
//should work correctly for ListIterator,
Node<T> *current;
这在处理标准数据类型(int、char、string 等)列表时效果很好,但我不知道如何遍历列表中每个结构中的数据。
// declaration of list, Queue is list class name
Queue<listing> list;
// data reads from file
while (!datafile.eof()) {
listing entry = *new listing;
datafile >> listing.rating;
std::getline(datafile, listing.title);
template<class T>
class Node
Node(T theData, Node<T>* theLink) : data(theData), link(theLink){}
Node<T>* getLink( ) const { return link; }
const T& getData( ) const { return data; }
void setData(const T& theData) { data = theData; }
void setLink(Node<T>* pointer) { link = pointer; }
T data;
Node<T> *link;
template<class T>
class Queue
typedef ListIterator<T> Iterator;
Queue( );
// Initializes the object to an empty queue.
Queue(const Queue<T>& aQueue);
Queue<T>& operator =(const Queue<T>& rightSide);
virtual ~Queue( );
void add(T item);
// Postcondition: item has been added to the back of the queue.
T remove( );
// Precondition: The queue is not empty.
// Returns the item at the front of the queue
// and removes that item from the queue.
bool isEmpty( ) const;
// Returns true if the queue is empty. Returns false otherwise.
Iterator begin() const { return Iterator(front); }
Iterator end() const { return Iterator(); }
Node<T> *front; // Points to the head of a linked list.
// Items are removed at the head
Node<T> *back; // Points to the node at the other end of the linked list.
// Items are added at this end.