以下算法和源代码可能没有经过高度优化以找到一般形式的下一个最高数(2^a * 3^b * 5^c * 7^d),但它很有用,因为代码将返回具有这些权力之一的最高人数。
该算法首先检查数字是否是 {2,3,5,7} 的幂。如果是,则简单地返回该数字。如果不是,则算法找到高于输入数的最小功率。
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
// http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1804311/how-to-check-if-an-integer-is-power-of-3
// Checks if n^x
int powerOf(int n, int x)
while (n % x == 0)
n /= x;
return n == 1;
unsigned int hN(unsigned int x, unsigned int base)
double exponent = std::ceil( std::log(x) / std::log(base) );
double num = std::pow(base, exponent);
return static_cast<unsigned int>(num);
unsigned int getHigherNumber(unsigned int n)
unsigned int rv = n;
const int pnum = 4;
// 1) Is the number a power of {2,3,5,7}?
// If it is, then simply return it
if(powerOf(n,2)) return rv;
if(powerOf(n,3)) return rv;
if(powerOf(n,5)) return rv;
if(powerOf(n,7)) return rv;
// 2) If not, then find next highest power of {2,3,5,7} that is the smallest
// number higher than n
unsigned int num0 = hN(n, 2);
unsigned int num1 = hN(n, 3);
unsigned int num2 = hN(n, 5);
unsigned int num3 = hN(n, 7);
std::vector<unsigned int>v(pnum);
v[0] = num0;
v[1] = num1;
v[2] = num2;
v[3] = num3;
rv = *std::min_element(v.begin(),v.end());
// 3) TODO: More sophisticated methods would use prime-factorization
// algorithms and searching/sorting, or perhaps a look-up table,
// but these may be too complex for this application
return rv;
} // end
int main()
// const unsigned int num = 64;
// const unsigned int num = 18;
const unsigned int num = 2234;
std::cout << "num = " << num << std::endl;
std::cout << "higher number = " << getHigherNumber( num ) << std::endl;
} // end