
def firstq (): # 1st Question
    global q1list,answer1
    q1list = ["Wellington","Auckland","Motueka","Masterton"]
    q1count = 0
    print ("Question 1")
    print ("From which of the following Towns is the suburb NEWLANDS located?")
    while q1count < 4:
        print (q1count,"  ",q1list[q1count])
        q1count = q1count + 1
    answer1 = int(input("What number answer do you choose?"))
    if answer1 == 0: print ("Correct answer!")
    elif answer1 != 0: print ("Sorry! Incorrect Answer. Better luck with the next Question.")
    print("Next Question below:")
    print(" ")
    print(" ")

def secq (): #Second Question
    global q2list,answer2 # Makes answer2 and q2list avalible anywhere on the page.
    q2list = ["Wellington","Christchurch","Pairoa","Dunedin"] # List of answers to choose from.
    q2count = 0 # defines what the q2 count is. SEE BELOW
    print ("Question 2")# prints "question 2"
    print ("What NZ town is known for L&P?") # Prints the question
    while q2count < 4:
        print (q2count,"  ",q2list[q2count]) # Whilst the number of answers (q2list) is below 4 it will print the next answer.
        q2count = q2count + 1
    answer2 = int(input("What number answer do you choose?")) # asks for answer
    if answer2 == 2: print ("Correct answer!") # If answer is correct, prints "Correct answer"
    elif answer2 != 2: print ("Sorry! Incorrect Answer. Better luck with the next Question.") # If answer is correct, prints "Sorry! Incorrect Answer. Better luck with the next Question."
    print("Next Question below:") # prints "Next Question
    # these provide spacing!
    print(" ")
    print(" ")

def thrq ():
    global q3list,answer3
    q3list = ["Lewis Carroll","J.K. Rowling","Louis Carroll","Other"]
    q3count = 0
    print ("Question 3")
    print ("Who wrote the book Alice In Wonderland?")
    while q3count < 4:
        print (q3count,"  ",q3list[q3count])
        q3count = q3count + 1
    answer3 = int(input("What number answer do you choose?"))
    if answer3 == 0: print ("Correct answer!")
    elif answer3 != 0: print ("Sorry! Incorrect Answer. Better luck with the next Question.")
    print("Next Question below:")
    print(" ")
    print(" ")

def fouq ():
    global q4list,answer4
    q4list = ["WA","DC","WD","WC"]
    q4count = 0
    print ("Question 4")
    print ("What is the abbreviation for Washington?")
    while q4count < 4:
        print (q4count,"  ",q4list[q4count])
        q4count = q4count + 1
    answer4 = int(input("What number answer do you choose?"))    
    if answer4 == 1: print ("Correct answer!")
    elif answer4 != 1: print ("Sorry! Incorrect Answer. Better luck with the next Question.")
    print("Next Question below:")
    print(" ")
    print(" ")

def fivq ():
    global q5list,answer5
    q5list = ["Yes","No, they're found around New Zealand","No","No, they're found around the UK"]
    q5count = 0
    print ("Question 5")
    print ("Are walruses found in the South Pole?")
    while q5count < 4:
        print (q5count,"  ",q5list[q5count])
        q5count = q5count + 1
    answer5 = int(input("What number answer do you choose?"))
    if answer5 == 2: print ("Correct answer!")
    elif answer5 != 2: print ("Sorry! Incorrect Answer. Better luck with the next Question.")
    print("Next Question below:")
    print(" ")
    print(" ")

def sixq ():
    global q6list,answer6
    q6list = ["G.M.","General M's","G Motors","Grand Motors"]
    q6count = 0
    print ("Question 6")
    print ("What is the other name for General Motors?")
    while q6count < 4:
        print (q6count,"  ",q6list[q6count])
        q6count = q6count + 1
    answer6 = int(input("What number answer do you choose?"))    
    if answer6 == 0: print ("Correct answer!")
    elif answer6 != 0: print ("Sorry! Incorrect Answer. Better luck with the next Question.")
    print("Next Question below:")
    print(" ")
    print(" ")

def sevq ():
    global q7list,answer7
    q7list = ["Greece","USA","Egypt","Italy"]
    q7count = 0
    print ("Question 7")
    print ("Which of the following countries were cats most honored in?")
    while q7count < 4:
        print (q7count,"  ",q7list[q7count])
        q7count = q7count + 1
    answer7 = int(input("What number answer do you choose?"))
    if answer7 == 2: print ("Correct answer!")
    elif answer7 != 2: print ("Sorry! Incorrect Answer. Better luck with the next Question.")
    print("Next Question below:")
    print(" ")
    print(" ")

def eigq ():
    global q8list,answer8
    q8list = ["I find","I see","I presume","I am"]
    q8count = 0
    print ("Question 8")
    print ("Complete this phrase-Dr. Livingstone,")
    while q8count < 4:
        print (q8count,"  ",q8list[q8count])
        q8count = q8count + 1
    answer8 = int(input("What number answer do you choose?"))       
    if answer8 == 2: print ("Correct answer!")
    elif answer8 != 2: print ("Sorry! Incorrect Answer. Better luck with the next Question.")

    print(" ")
    print(" ")

def end():
    if answer1 == 0 and answer2 == 2 and answer3 == 0 and answer4 ==1 and answer5 ==2 and answer6 ==0 and answer7 == 2 and answer8 == 2: print("YAY, all questions correct! You have won the 1 million!")
    else: print("Sorry you have some incorrect questions! You have not won any money! :(") # If all answers are correct, this will display YAY, all questions correct! You have won the 1 million! If not it will print Sorry you have some incorrect questions! You have not won any money! :(.

def printorder ():
    # Defines ther order that it will be printed in

name = l" " # while name is blank it will continue
while name != "quit": #While the name is not quit it will continue. If name is quit it will stop.
    print ("The $1,000,000 Quiz! Can you win the 1 Million?")#Prints Welcome Message
    name = input("Lets Get Started! What is your name: ")# asks for name
    if name == "quit": 
       break # if the name is quit it will stop if not....
    printorder()# ....prints printorder

1 回答 1




def sixq():
    global q6list, answer6


def question(qlist, qanswer):

qlist并作为参数传入和传递qanswer,许多代码是重复的,可以通过这种方式消除。同时你也消除了globals 的使用。您可以使用在此函数末尾返回调用代码所需的任何值return。(注意 Python 允许你返回多个值)


最后,使用单个函数代替八个函数,将使您的代码更容易维护。如果你发现你的代码有问题,或者只是想改变一些东西,你只需要在一个地方更正它,而不是在 8 个不同的函数中。这是一个主要的好处。

于 2012-11-25T22:42:28.637 回答