从我读到的关于 ST2 的内容(感谢您让我知道)是 ^+d 复制选定的文本,或者如果没有选择任何内容,则复制整行。
TempCB = %ClipBoard% ; Park clipboard (text) content, Other content (format, images, etc.) will be lost.
ClipBoard = ; Clear clipboard
Send, ^c ; Grab selected text
Sleep, 100 ; Wait 0.1 seconds for clipboard (clipboard will not get filled if nothing is selected)
if (Clipboard = "") ; Nothing selected, thus copy whole line
Send, {Home}+{End}^c ; Select line and copy to clipbard
MoveBack := StrLen(ClipBoard)
MoveFwd := MoveBack
MoveBack++ ; Move one step back further back due to earlier step {right}
Send, {Right}{Left}^v{Right}{left %Moveback%}+{Right %MoveFwd%} ; Go to end of selected text (in MS notepad this is will jump over the first next char., thus a jump back as well), add a space and paste.
ClipBoard = %TempCB% ; Restore (text part) of previous clipboard content.
我在 MS 记事本中对此进行了测试,其他编辑器的行为可能有所不同(尤其是在跳到所选文本的末尾时)。该脚本现在复制并粘贴选定的文本并突出显示新粘贴的文本。