我快疯了 :( 我想用 windows7 为 nodester 设置一个应用程序。我按照http://nodester.com/help上的说明进行操作

起初我设置了 git,安装了 git,生成了一个 ssh-key 并将其设置到我的个人资料中。一切都按照描述中的说明进行。ssh -T git@github.com 也可以正常工作。我已经用 git shell 完成了所有这些步骤。

现在我想使用 powershell 将我的应用程序推送到 nodester。

npm install nodester-cli -g - worked
nodester user setup <> <>   - worked
 nodester info verifying credentials
 nodester info user verified..
 nodester warn No key file found, encrypt is not going to be strong.
 nodester info writing user data to config
  and a file was .nodester was created in my directory

nodester user setkey        - does not work
 nodester ERROR sshkey was not found: .ssh\id_rsa.pub
 nodester not ok!

也许原因是,密钥在 C:\Users\ME\ .ssh\id_rsa.pub ?我怎样才能改变路径?


nodester app create <>
nodester app info <>
git init                 - worked
git add .                - worked
git commit -m "init"     - worked
git remote add nodester <key from nodester app info>
 everything went fine until now
git push nodester master - does not work
 Connection closed by
 fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

 Please make sure you have the correct access rights
 and the repository exists.



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