我创建了一个函数,可以在其中单击 Jpanel 中的某个位置,并在鼠标单击的位置绘制一个形状。我遇到的问题是当我单击一个新位置时,它会移动形状并重新绘制它。我希望以前的形状“燃烧”到屏幕上并留在那里。它不必与任何数据相关联,我只希望形状的图像每次都显示它曾经的位置。我尝试了很多不同的事情,但没有成功。这就是我的意思:
public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g;
g2.fillRect(n, m, 32, 32); //I want each one of these shapes to be new, not
//moving, but redrawn
//This is just drawing a grid and doing other things(irrelevant)
g2.fill(new Ellipse2D.Double(x, y, 32, 32));
for (int i = 0; i < 500; i += 32) {
g2.drawRect(i, j, 32, 32);
for (int j = 0; j < 500; j += 32) {
g2.drawRect(i, j, 32, 32);
if (paintColBlock){
System.out.println("Drawing Block at " + n +"," + m);
paintColBlock = false;