Say I have the array, arr1. I want to print this array (i.e. just display the numbers) but, I want to color the numbers based on their values. If arr1[i]<15, green, if arr1[i]>20, red, else orange. Something to this effect.
var arr1 = [ 5,10,13,19,21,25,22,18,15,13,11,12,15,20,18,17,16,18,23,25,25,22,18,15,13,11,12,15,20,18];
Here is what I tried doing:
for(var i=0; i<arr1.length;i++){
var temp = $(this).css("color","green");
} else if(arr1[i]>20){
var temp = $(this).css("color","red");
} else {
var temp = $(this).css("color","orange");
I tried changing the css property of individual elements and them adding them to the div, but it did not work for me.
Can someone suggest how should I go about doing this?