我正在研究一个使用 DynamicMethod 从对象中检索值的例程。它适用于大多数数据类型,除了 DateTime.Ticks,它是 int64
在以下测试应用程序中。我同时使用 MethodInfo 和 DynamicMethod,methodInfo 返回正确的值,但 DynamicMethod 没有。有任何想法吗?
using System;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Reflection.Emit;
namespace ConsoleApplication2
public delegate object MemberGetDelegate(object obj);
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
DateTime dat = DateTime.Today;
PropertyInfo pi = typeof(DateTime).GetProperty("Ticks");
MethodInfo mi = pi.GetGetMethod();
Type type = pi.PropertyType;
object ticks = mi.Invoke(dat, new object[] { });
Console.WriteLine("Get by MethodInfo " + ticks.ToString());
MemberGetDelegate mget=TypeUtils.GetMemberFunc(pi);
object ret = mget(dat);
Console.WriteLine("Get by DynamicMethod " + ret.ToString());
static class TypeUtils
public static readonly Type objectType = typeof(object);
public static readonly Type[] typeArray = new[] { typeof(object) };
public static MemberGetDelegate GetMemberFunc(PropertyInfo pi)
MethodInfo mi = pi.GetGetMethod();
if (mi != null)
DynamicMethod dm = new DynamicMethod("_" + mi.Name,
pi.Module, true);
ILGenerator il = dm.GetILGenerator();
// Load the instance of the object (argument 0) onto the stack
// Call underlying get method
il.EmitCall(OpCodes.Callvirt, mi, null);
if (pi.PropertyType.IsValueType)
il.Emit(OpCodes.Box, pi.PropertyType);
// return the value on the top of the stack
return (MemberGetDelegate) dm.CreateDelegate(typeof (MemberGetDelegate));
return null;