int next(int n) { // get the next one with same # of bits set
int lo = n & -n; // lowest one bit
int lz = (n + lo) & ~n; // lowest zero bit above lo
n |= lz; // add lz to the set
n &= ~(lz - 1); // reset bits below lz
n |= (lz / lo / 2) - 1; // put back right number of bits at end
return n;
int prev(int n) { // get the prev one with same # of bits set
int y = ~n;
y &= -y; // lowest zero bit
n &= ~(y-1); // reset all bits below y
int z = n & -n; // lowest set bit
n &= ~z; // clear z bit
n |= (z - z / (2*y)); // add requried number of bits below z
return n;
例如,在 x = 5678 上重复应用 prev():
0: 00000001011000101110 (5678)
1: 00000001011000101101 (5677)
2: 00000001011000101011 (5675)
3: 00000001011000100111 (5671)
4: 00000001011000011110 (5662)
5: 00000001011000011101 (5661)
6: 00000001011000011011 (5659)
1. if the number starts with: ..XXX10..01..1 we can replace it by ..XXX0..01..1
adding corresponding number of combinations
2. if the number starts with: ..XXX1..10..0 again replace it by XXX0..01..1 with corresponding number of combinations
#define LOG2(x) (__builtin_ffs(x)-1)
int C(int n, int k) { // simple implementation of binomial
int c = n - k;
if(k < c)
if(c == 0)
return 1;
if(k == n-1)
return n;
int b = k+1;
for(int i = k+2; i <= n; i++)
b = b*i;
for(int i = 2; i <= c; i++)
b = b / i;
return b;
int position_jumping(unsigned x) {
int index = 0;
while(1) {
if(x & 1) { // rule 1: x is of the form: ..XXX10..01..1
unsigned y = ~x;
unsigned lo = y & -y; // lowest zero bit
unsigned xz = x & ~(lo-1); // reset all bits below lo
unsigned lz = xz & -xz; // lowest one bit after lo
if(lz == 0) // we are in the first position!
return index;
int nn = LOG2(lz), kk = LOG2(lo)+1;
index += C(nn, kk); // C(n-1,k) where n = log lz and k = log lo + 1
x &= ~lz; //! clear lz bit
x |= lo; //! add lo
} else { // rule 2: x is of the form: ..XXX1..10..0
int lo = x & -x; // lowest set bit
int lz = (x + lo) & ~x; // lowest zero bit above lo
x &= ~(lz-1); // clear all bits below lz
int sh = lz / lo;
if(lz == 0) // special case meaning that lo is in the last position
sh=((1<<31) / lo)*2;
x |= sh-1;
int nn = LOG2(lz), kk = LOG2(sh);
if(nn == 0)
nn = 32;
index += C(nn, kk);
std::cout << "x: " << std::bitset<20>(x).to_string() << "; pos: " << index << "\n";
例如,给定数字 x=5678,算法将在 4 次迭代中计算其索引:
x: 00000001011000100111; pos: 4
x: 00000001011000001111; pos: 9
x: 00000001010000011111; pos: 135
x: 00000001000000111111; pos: 345
x: 00000000000001111111; pos: 1137
请注意,1137 是 5678 在具有相同汉明权重的数字组中的位置。因此,您必须相应地移动该指数以考虑所有具有较小汉明权重的数字