我有 10 个表作为不同类型呈现给 LINQ,但具有完全相同的属性。当我尝试对它们运行联合时,编译器告诉我:

"Argument 2: cannot convert from 'System.Collections.IEnumerable' to 'System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<LINQPad.User.TelJun2011>'"


var jul = (from n in TelJul2011s select n);

var jun = (from p in TelJun2011s select p);


我已经完成了我的研究并了解联合不能跨不同类型执行,我也了解联合可以在匿名类型上执行,如果它们共享相同的属性。这个选项对我不起作用,因为我需要所有表中的所有属性,并且不想输入相同的匿名类型 10 次 - 每个变量一次。我希望编译器根据所有属性都相同的事实来推断它们都是相同的类型。

我已经尝试使用 AsQueryable() 类型函数和“as”关键字转换为 IEnumberable、Iqueryable、Datatable 等。这些对我来说似乎都不起作用。




3 回答 3


的结果Union将是一个,IEnumerable<Xxx>但在这种情况下,您必须指定是什么Xxx。如果类型TelJun2011TelJul2011不是结构(值类型),您可以利用这样的方差IEnumerable<out T>


This works because TelJun2011 and TelJul2011 are both object, and then by covariance IEnumerable<TelJun2011> and IEnumerable<TelJul2011> are both IEnumerable<object>.

Of course object does not possess all the properties common to TelJun2011 and TelJul2011. It would be better if these two types had a more useful common base class or implemened a common interface, because then you could say e.g.:


where ITelMonth were some type containing the common properties you want.

于 2012-11-24T13:13:21.943 回答

“问题”是 C# 的静态类型系统不允许您尝试实现的目标。在联合对象之前,您必须将对象转换为基本类型。这意味着如果两者只有System.Object共同点,您必须将其转换为object或(对于 .net 4.0)转换为dynamic.


class A
    public int Integer { get; set; }

class B
    public int Integer { get; set; }

class Program
    public static void main(string[] args)
        var a = new[] { new A { Integer = 5 }, new A { Integer = 6 }, new A { Integer = 7 } };
        var b = new[] { new B { Integer = 1 }, new B { Integer = 2 }, new B { Integer = 3 } };

        var u = a.Cast<dynamic>().Union(b).ToArray();

        var i1 = u[0].Integer;
        var i2 = u[1].Integer;
        var i3 = u[2].Integer;
        var i4 = u[3].Integer;
        var i5 = u[4].Integer;
        var i6 = u[5].Integer;


于 2012-11-24T11:57:01.820 回答

If you're using EntityFramework (or any other framework, I guess), the classes auto-generated are marked as partial, such as the following:


namespace Project.Data
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;

    public partial class TelJun2011
        public int Id { get; set; }
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public string Description { get; set; }


namespace Project.Data
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;

    public partial class TelJul2011
        public int Id { get; set; }
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public string Description { get; set; }

What partial means is that you can create another file for the same class. The generated classes don't implement an interface, but you can easily make then implement your custom interface like this:


namespace Project.Data
    public interface ITelMonth
        int Id { get; set; }
        string Name { get; set; }
        string Description { get; set; }


namespace Project.Data
    public partial class TelJun2011 : ITelMonth { }


namespace Project.Data
    public partial class TelJul2011 : ITelMonth { }

And having correctly defined the interfaces, then we can simply do this:

var jul = (from n in TelJul2011s select (ITelMonth)n);

var jun = (from p in TelJun2011s select (ITelMonth)p);

var bimester = jun.Union(jul);

And you can even access the common properties like such:

foreach (var e in bimester)
于 2015-01-02T22:54:37.223 回答