这是为箭头创建 svg 文件的主要覆盖函数。
// A small directable Arrow overlay for GMaps V3
// Bill Chadwick Feb 2012 after my previous V2 API version
// Free for any use as far as I am concerned
// Some public domain code VML/SVG utility code of Ben Appleton's is reused at the end of this file
var arrowOverlayMarkerCounter; //unique id counter for SVG arrow head markers
function ArrowOverlay(map, location, rotation, color, opacity, tooltip) {
this.map_ = map;
this.location_ = location;
this.rotation_ = rotation || 0.0;
var r = this.rotation_ + 90; //compass to math
this.dx_ = 20 * Math.cos(r * Math.PI / 180); //other end of arrow line to point
this.dy_ = 20 * Math.sin(r * Math.PI / 180);
this.color_ = color || "#0000FF";
this.opacity_ = opacity || 0.7;
this.tooltip_ = tooltip || "";
this.div_ = null;
this.handle_ = null;//click event handler handle
if (arrowOverlayMarkerCounter == null)
arrowOverlayMarkerCounter = 0;
arrowOverlayMarkerCounter += 1;
this.svgId_ = "ArrowOverlay" + arrowOverlayMarkerCounter.toString();
ArrowOverlay.prototype = new google.maps.OverlayView();
ArrowOverlay.prototype.onAdd = function() {
// Create the DIV and set some basic attributes.
var div = document.createElement('DIV');
div.title = this.tooltip_;
div.style.cursor = "help";
var obj = this;
this.handle_ = google.maps.event.addDomListener(div, 'click', function() { google.maps.event.trigger(obj, "click") });
//set up arrow invariants
if (supportsVML()) {
var l = createVmlElement('v:line', div);
l.strokeweight = "3px";
l.strokecolor = this.color_;
l.style.position = 'absolute';
var s = createVmlElement("v:stroke", l);
s.opacity = this.opacity_;
s.startarrow = "classic"; // or "block", "open" etc see VML spec
this.vmlLine_ = l;
else {
// make a 40x40 pixel space centered on the arrow
var svgNS = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg";
var svgRoot = document.createElementNS(svgNS, "svg");
svgRoot.setAttribute("width", 40);
svgRoot.setAttribute("height", 40);
svgRoot.setAttribute("stroke", this.color_);
svgRoot.setAttribute("fill", this.color_);
svgRoot.setAttribute("stroke-opacity", this.opacity_);
svgRoot.setAttribute("fill-opacity", this.opacity_);
var svgNode = document.createElementNS(svgNS, "line");
svgNode.setAttribute("stroke-width", 3);
svgNode.setAttribute("x1", 20);
svgNode.setAttribute("y1", 20);
svgNode.setAttribute("x2", 20 + this.dx_);
svgNode.setAttribute("y2", 20 + this.dy_);
//make a solid arrow head, can't share these, as in SVG1.1 they can't get color from the referencing object, only their parent
//a bit more involved than the VML
if (this.rotation_ >= 0) {
var svgM = document.createElementNS(svgNS, "marker");
svgM.id = this.svgId_;
svgM.setAttribute("viewBox", "0 0 10 10");
svgM.setAttribute("refX", 0);
svgM.setAttribute("refY", 5);
svgM.setAttribute("markerWidth", 4);
svgM.setAttribute("markerHeight", 3);
svgM.setAttribute("orient", "auto");
var svgPath = document.createElementNS(svgNS, "path"); //could share this with 'def' and 'use' but hardly worth it
svgPath.setAttribute("d", "M 10 0 L 0 5 L 10 10 z");
svgNode.setAttribute("marker-start", "url(#" + this.svgId_ + ")");
this.svgRoot_ = svgRoot;
this.svgNode_ = svgNode;
// Set the overlay's div_ property to this DIV
this.div_ = div;
var panes = this.getPanes();
ArrowOverlay.prototype.draw = function() {
var overlayProjection = this.getProjection();
var p = overlayProjection.fromLatLngToDivPixel(this.location_);
var div = this.div_;
if (!div)
if (!div.style)
// Calculate the DIV coordinates of the ref point of our arrow
var x2 = p.x + this.dx_;
var y2 = p.y + this.dy_;
if (supportsVML()) {
this.vmlLine_.from = p.x + "px, " + p.y + "px";
this.vmlLine_.to = x2 + "px, " + y2 + "px";
else {
this.svgRoot_.setAttribute("style", "position:absolute; top:" + (p.y - 20) + "px; left:" + (p.x - 20) + "px");
ArrowOverlay.prototype.onRemove = function() {
if (this.handle_ != null) {
ArrowOverlay.prototype.setVisible = function(v) {
if (v)
ArrowOverlay.prototype.getVisible = function(v) {
if (this.div_) {
return (this.div_.style.display == "");
return false;
ArrowOverlay.prototype.hide = function() {
if (this.div_) {
this.div_.style.display = "none";
ArrowOverlay.prototype.show = function() {
if (this.div_) {
this.div_.style.display = "";
ArrowOverlay.prototype.setPosition = function(l) {
this.location_ = l;
ArrowOverlay.prototype.getPosition = function() {
return this.location_;
ArrowOverlay.prototype.setHeading = function(h) {
this.rotation_ = h || 0.0;
var r = this.rotation_ + 90; //compass to math
this.dx_ = 20 * Math.cos(r * Math.PI / 180); //other end of arrow line to point
this.dy_ = 20 * Math.sin(r * Math.PI / 180);
if (!supportsVML()) {
this.svgNode_.setAttribute("x2", 20 + this.dx_);
this.svgNode_.setAttribute("y2", 20 + this.dy_);
ArrowOverlay.prototype.getHeading = function() {
return this.rotation_;
ArrowOverlay.prototype.setTooltip = function(t) {
this.tooltip_ = t;
ArrowOverlay.prototype.getTooltip = function() {
return this.tooltip_;
ArrowOverlay.prototype.toggle = function() {
if (this.div_) {
if (this.div_.style.visibility == "hidden") {
} else {
ArrowOverlay.prototype.fromDivPixelToLatLng = function(x, y) {
var overlayProjection = this.getProjection();
return overlayProjection.fromDivPixelToLatLng(new google.maps.Point(x, y));
ArrowOverlay.prototype.fromLatLngToContainerPixel = function(p) {
var overlayProjection = this.getProjection();
return overlayProjection.fromLatLngToContainerPixel(p);
// SVG utils from here http://appleton-static.appspot.com/static/simple_poly.js
// by Ben Appleton of Google
var SVG_NAMESPACE = 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg';
function supportsSVG() {
return document.implementation.hasFeature(
// VML utils from here http://appleton-static.appspot.com/static/simple_poly.js
// by Ben Appleton of Google
var VML_NAMESPACE = 'urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml';
function createVmlElement(tagName, parent) {
var element = document.createElement(tagName);
element.style['behavior'] = 'url(#default#VML)';
return element;
function supportsVML() {
if (supportsVML.result_ == null) {
if (!maybeCreateVmlNamespace()) {
return supportsVML.result_ = false;
// Create some VML. Its 'adj' property will be an object only when VML
// is enabled.
var div = document.createElement('DIV');
div.innerHtml = '<v:shape id="vml_flag1" adj="1" />';
var child = div.firstChild;
if (child) child.style['behavior'] = 'url(#default#VML)';
supportsVML.result_ = !child || (typeof child['adj'] == 'object');
return supportsVML.result_;
function maybeCreateVmlNamespace() {
var hasVmlNamespace = false;
if (document.namespaces) {
for (var x = 0; x < document.namespaces.length; x++) {
var ns = document.namespaces(x);
if (ns.name == 'v') {
if (ns.urn == VML_NAMESPACE) {
hasVmlNamespace = true;
} else {
throw new Error('document namespace v: is required for VML ' +
'but has been reserved for ' + ns.urn);
if (!hasVmlNamespace) {
// Import namespace
hasVmlNamespace = true;
document.namespaces.add('v', VML_NAMESPACE);
return hasVmlNamespace;