所以看起来这个问题已经被问到几乎所有的语言都在阳光下......除了C ++。我有一个 XML 文档,其中有一些 bbcode 存储在文本节点中。我正在寻找删除它的最佳方法,我想我会在这里查看是否有人知道一些预先构建的库或一些自己完成此操作的有效方法。我正在考虑可能删除介于“[”和“]”字符之间的任何内容,但是使用提供给我的 XML 文档会变得很疯狂,因为 BB 的许多实例都在表单中'[[blahblahblah]]'
这是 XML 文档。标签之间的所有数据<text>
<mediawiki xmlns="http://www.mediawiki.org/xml/export-0.7/" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.mediawiki.org/xml/export-0.7/ http://www.mediawiki.org/xml/export-0.7.xsd" version="0.7" xml:lang="en">
<title>Human Anatomy/Osteology/Axialskeleton</title>
<minor />
<text xml:space="preserve"> [[Image:Axial_skeleton_diagram.svg|thumb|240px|right|Diagram of the axial skeleton]]
The Axial Skeleton is a division of the human skeleton and is named because it makes up the longitudinal ''axis'' of the body. It consists of the skull, hyoid bone, vertebral column, sternum and ribs. It is widely accepted to be made up of 80 bones, although this number varies from individual to individual.
<title>Horn/General/Fingering Chart</title>
<comment>added important note</comment>
<text xml:space="preserve">{{HornNavGeneral}}
The horn spans four plus octaves depending on the player and uses both the treble and bass clefs. In this chart it is assumed the player is using a double-horn with F and Bb sides. The number 1 indicates that the index-finger valve should be depressed, the number 2 indicates that the middle-finger valve should be depressed and the number 3 indicates that the ring-finger valve should be depressed. There are eight possible valve combinations among the first, second and third valves: 0, 1, 2, 3, 1-2, 1-3, 2-3, and 1-2-3. However, there are effectively seven combinations, because 1-2 will produce the same notes, perhaps slightly out of tune, as 3 alone. One depresses the thumb key to use the Bb side of the horn.
[[Image:Fingering chart.png]]