火狐 16/17
以下代码是我编写的用于打印元素的 jquery 插件。
这在 Firefox 中有效,但现在只显示一个空白页面,头部和正文都保持空白。这适用于 IE 和 Chrome。
github: https ://github.com/jasonday/jquery.printThis
演示:http: //jsfiddle.net/jasonday/Tx4Uv/12/
(function($) {
var opt;
$.fn.printThis = function (options) {
opt = $.extend({}, $.fn.printThis.defaults, options);
var $element = (this instanceof jQuery) ? this : $(this);
// if Opera, open a new tab
if ($.browser.opera)
var tab = window.open("","Print Preview");
var doc = tab.document;
// add dynamic iframe to DOM
var strFrameName = ("printThis-" + (new Date()).getTime());
var $iframe = $("<iframe id='" + strFrameName +"' src='about:blank'/>");
if (!opt.debug) { $iframe.css({ position: "absolute", width: "0px", height: "0px", left: "-600px", top: "-600px" }); }
var $doc = $("#" + strFrameName).contents();
// allow iframe to fully render before action
setTimeout ( function () {
// import page css
if (opt.importCSS)
var href = $(this).attr('href');
var media = $(this).attr('media') || 'all';
$doc.find("head").append("<link type='text/css' rel='stylesheet' href='" + href + "' media='"+media+"'>");
// add another stylesheet
if (opt.loadCSS)
$doc.find("head").append("<link type='text/css' rel='stylesheet' href='" + opt.loadCSS + "'>");
//grab outer container
if (opt.printContainer) { $doc.find("body").append($element.outer()); }
else { $element.each( function() { $doc.find("body").append($(this).html()); }); }
// print
($.browser.opera ? tab : $iframe[0].contentWindow).focus();
setTimeout( function() { ($.browser.opera ? tab : $iframe[0].contentWindow).print(); if (tab) { tab.close(); } }, 1000);
//removed iframe after 60 seconds
(60 * 1000)
}, 333 );
$.fn.printThis.defaults = {
debug: false, //show the iframe for debugging
importCSS: true, // import page CSS
printContainer: true, // grab outer container as well as the contents of the selector
loadCSS: "" //path to additional css file
jQuery.fn.outer = function() {
return $($('<div></div>').html(this.clone())).html();