我正在使用Yeoman,但找不到在文件更改时触发CSS 任务的方法。


\ 应用程序
        -------- style.css
        -------- style.css
        -------- style.css
        -------- main.css


  • 查看模块中的所有 CSS 文件;
  • 触发 CSS concat/minification 任务;
  • 覆盖app/styles/main.css


module.exports = function( grunt ) {
  'use strict';
  // Grunt configuration:
  // https://github.com/cowboy/grunt/blob/master/docs/getting_started.md

    // Project configuration
    // ---------------------

    // specify an alternate install location for Bower
    bower: {
      dir: 'app/components'

    // Coffee to JS compilation
    coffee: {
      compile: {
        files: {
          // 'app/scripts/*.js': 'app/scripts/**/*.coffee',
          // 'test/spec/*.js': 'test/spec/**/*.coffee'

    // compile .scss/.sass to .css using Compass
    compass: {
      dist: {}

    // default watch configuration
    watch: {
      reload: {
        files: [
        tasks: 'css reload'

    // default lint configuration, change this to match your setup:
    // https://github.com/cowboy/grunt/blob/master/docs/task_lint.md#lint-built-in-task
    lint: {
      files: [

    // specifying JSHint options and globals
    // https://github.com/cowboy/grunt/blob/master/docs/task_lint.md#specifying-jshint-options-and-globals
    jshint: {
      options: {
        curly: true,
        eqeqeq: true,
        immed: true,
        latedef: true,
        newcap: true,
        noarg: true,
        sub: true,
        undef: true,
        boss: true,
        eqnull: true,
        browser: true
      globals: {
        angular: true

    // Build configuration
    // -------------------

    // the staging directory used during the process
    staging: 'temp',

    // final build output
    output: 'dist',

    mkdirs: {
      staging: 'app/'

    // Below, all paths are relative to the staging directory, which is a copy
    // of the app/ directory. Any .gitignore, .ignore and .buildignore file
    // that might appear in the app/ tree are used to ignore these values
    // during the copy process.

    // concat css/**/*.css files, inline @import, output a single minified css
    css: {
      'app/styles/main.css': ['app/styles/*.css', 'app/app/**/*.css']

    // renames JS/CSS to prepend a hash of their contents for easier
    // versioning
    rev: {
      js: 'scripts/**/*.js',
      css: 'styles/**/*.css',
      img: 'images/**'

    // usemin handler should point to the file containing
    // the usemin blocks to be parsed
    'usemin-handler': {
      html: 'index.html'

    // update references in HTML/CSS to revved files
    usemin: {
      html: ['**/*.html'],
      css: ['**/*.css']

    // HTML minification
    html: {
      files: ['**/*.html']

    // Optimizes JPGs and PNGs (with jpegtran & optipng)
    img: {
      dist: '<config:rev.img>'

    // rjs configuration. You don't necessarily need to specify the typical
    // `path` configuration, the rjs task will parse these values from your
    // main module, using http://requirejs.org/docs/optimization.html#mainConfigFile
    // name / out / mainConfig file should be used. You can let it blank if
    // you're using usemin-handler to parse rjs config from markup (default
    // setup)
    rjs: {
      // no minification, is done by the min task
      optimize: 'none',
      baseUrl: './scripts',
      wrap: true

  // Alias the `test` task to run `testacular` instead
  grunt.registerTask('test', 'run the testacular test driver', function () {
    var done = this.async();
    require('child_process').exec('testacular start --single-run', function (err, stdout) {

1 回答 1


我是 grunt 的新手,但我为编写自定义监视任务所做的就是这样。首先,我注册了一个新任务,其中仅包含我在开发时想要运行的东西。例如,我希望我的项目针对未缩小的 js 运行。所以我不要求执行 min 或 concat 任务。只需对它们进行 lint、测试并使用grunt-targethtml.

    grunt.registerTask('devel', 'lint qunit targethtml');


    watch: {
        files: '<config:lint.files>',
        tasks: 'devel'

这是使用为 lint 任务定义的文件列表,但您应该能够将其替换为

       files: ['app/**/*.css']
于 2012-11-24T21:46:46.777 回答