
我究竟做错了什么?请注意,我知道查询很长。一旦工作,我可能会将其分解为 2 个表。仅供参考 $this -> input -> post('email');$this -> input -> post('email');是从未发布的 Ajax 调用收到的值。


// Add or update campaign on database
public function add_campaign() 
    // grab campaign session data
    $userid = $this -> session -> userdata('user_id');
    $campaign = $this -> session -> userdata('campaign_name');
    $website = $this -> session -> userdata('campaign_user_website');
    $headline = $this -> session -> userdata('campaign_headline');
    $bar_color = $this -> session -> userdata('campaign_bar_color');
    $head_color = $this -> session -> userdata('campaign_head_color');
    $main_color = $this -> session -> userdata('campaign_main_color');
    $thanks_msg = $this -> session -> userdata('campaign_thanks');        

    //grab scorecard options
    $email_q = $this -> input -> post('email');
    $brand_q = $this -> input -> post('brand');
    $design_q = $this -> input -> post('design');
    $usability_q = $this -> input -> post('usability');
    $support_q = $this -> input -> post('support');
    $service_q = $this -> input -> post('service');
    $recommend_q = $this -> input -> post('recommend');
    $suggestion_q = $this -> input -> post('suggestion');
    $comments_q = $this -> input -> post('comments');

    $modified =  date('Y-m-d H:i:s');        

    // insert OR if campaign already exists, update the campaign values and date modified
    $this -> db -> query("
        INSERT INTO campaigns (userid, campaign, website, headline, bar_color, head_color, main_color, thanks_msg, email_q, brand_q, modified)
        VALUES ('$userid', '$campaign', '$website', '$headline', '$bar_color', '$head_color', '$main_color', '$thanks_msg', '$email_q', '$brand_q', '$modified')
        ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE userid='$userid', campaign='$campaign', website='$website', headline='$headline', bar_color='$bar_color', head_color='$head_color', main_color='$main_color', thanks_msg='$thanks_msg', email_q='$email_q', brand_q='$brand_q', modified='$modified'


<!-- Scorecard options -->
<div class="scordOption roundtop">
    <div class="checkicon"><input type="checkbox" name="email" class="email_score" value="1"></div>
    <div class="scoreOptionTxt">What is your email address?</div>

<div class="scordOption">
    <div class="checkicon"><input type="checkbox" name="brand" class="brand_score" value="1"></div>
    <div class="scoreOptionTxt">How would you rate our company's branding?</div>

指向可以正常工作的控制器功能的 Ajax 函数。无需显示代码。在该函数中,它指向上面的模型。

var score_options = {
        email: $('input.email_score').val(),
        brand: $('input.brand_score').val(),
        ajax : '1' // needed for controller, to verify that request is ajax

    //display ajax loader animation

        url : 'ajax/embed_step',
        type : 'POST',
        data : score_options,
        success : function(msg) {
            // output success in this container             
            $.scrollTo(0, 500);
            // scroll to top on success 
            // hide loading icon

    return false;    

1 回答 1


无论复选框是否被选中,所有复选框字段都在数据库上注册为 1 值


email: $('input.email_score').val(),

value无论输入是否被检查,这都会抓住,你会想要使用这样的东西(至少现在,可能有更有效的方法,比如使用serialize()提交表单,但你应该先了解问题) :

email: $('input.email_score:checked').val() ? 1 : 0,


if ($('input.email_score:checked').val()) {
   email = 1;
} else {
   email = 0;


此外,在 PHP 方面,继续转换为整数或使用intval(),以便您知道这些值是安全的:

$email_q = (int) $this->input->post('email');

或者,再次使用条件运算符(可能更好,因为您只需要 1 或 0):

$email_q = $this->input->post('email') ? 1 : 0;


于 2012-11-24T00:55:24.507 回答