I'm trying to code a seo friendly ajax portfolio right now. My goal is to provide javascript effects to users and normal html to bots/users without js.


  • index.php (starting point of my program)
  • aboutme.php (contains html code for "about me")
  • contact.php (contains html code for "contact")

The idea:

User visits index.php and clicks on "About me" -> loading animation appears -> aboutme.php gets loaded with ajax -> history.pushstate rewrites the url to aboutme.php.

-> When the user shares the current website url on fb/twitter/g+ the bots will get the correct title, body etc., as it is the normal html page without any javascript.

But my problem is: If other users open that page, they see directly the content. But I want to show them a loading animation first until the data got loaded with ajax (similar as they click on a link).

How can I achieve such an approach? Thank you very much!


4 回答 4


最好的方法是创建一个 javascript 文件。将链接标签写入“head”部分。这将使 javascript 文件在内容之前下载。Javascript 显示动画,但同时浏览器将下载已经在后台的内容。在“文档就绪”事件中,停止动画。

这将让机器人直接访问内容。因为 javascript 对他们不起作用。

于 2012-11-23T22:14:06.300 回答


index.php、aboutme.php、contect.php 应该提供完整的 html。某些链接应该有 js 事件处理程序拦截点击,而不是 loading aboutme.php,它们aboutme-content-only.php在后台加载。然后更新 dom 和推送状态等...

这样,对于那些第一次访问的用户,以及那些浏览器不支持推送状态或 javascript 的用户,该网站很容易降级。

于 2012-11-24T18:02:30.140 回答

要使您的 ajax 内容可抓取,请参阅https://developers.google.com/webmasters/ajax-crawling/,Bing 也支持这一点。或者使用 HTML5 pushState,参见http://www.seomoz.org/blog/create-crawlable-link-friendly-ajax-websites-using-pushstatehttps://github.com/blog/760-the-tree -滑块

于 2012-11-24T17:48:53.403 回答

我认为这根本不是问题,像往常一样保持链接的 href,然后使用 JavaScript 或 jQuery 更改单击链接的默认行为以使用 ajax 加载链接的内容。

于 2012-11-23T22:14:28.797 回答